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n of business
Primary Sector

• Production involving the extraction of raw materials from the earth

◼ Agriculture involves a range of farming activities. It is probably the most important primary sector activity
for most countries.

◼ Fishing involves netting, trapping, angling and trawling for fish. It also includes catching or gathering
other types of seafood.

◼ Forestry involves managing forests to provide timber for wood products. Modern forestry also involves
protecting the natural environment, providing access and facilities to the public and managing areas for

◼ Mining and quarrying is the extraction of raw materials such as coal, iron ore, copper, tin, salt and
limestone from the ground. This sector also includes the extraction of oil and gas.
Secondary sector
• Production involving the conversion of raw materials
in to finished and semi finished goods.
• Secondary sector business activities include
• Metalworking
• car production
• textile production
• chemical and engineering industries
• aerospace manufacturing
• energy utilities
• Engineering
• food processing
• construction
• shipbuilding

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

• Tertiary sector - Production of services in the economy

 Commercial services: freight delivery, debt collection,

printing and employment agencies
 Fnancial services: banking, insurance, investment advice
and pensions
 Household services: plumbing, decorating, gardening
and house maintenance
 Leisure services: television, tourism, hotels and libraries
 Professional services: accountancy, legal advice and
medical care
 Transport: train, taxi, bus and air services.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.


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