Living and Non Living Class 3 (1) Final

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Living Things Non -Living Things

• sheep • house
• girl • fence
• pig • tractor
• horse • rope
• tree • hat
Lesson – 1

Animals move
*in search of food,water and
*to escape from their
Living things move
on their own

Non-living things
do not move on their own
Sunflower Bud Blooms into flower

Touch me not plant Morning Glory

Living things need food to get
energy to carry out their activities.
Non - living things do not need
1 Seed grows into a seedling 2 A chick grows into a hen

3 A baby grows into an adult

Living things grow.

Non - living things
do not need grow.
Young One Animal
Caterpillar Butterfly

Tadpole Frog

Kid Goat
Animal Breathing Organ



Living things breathe.

Non-living thing do not breathe
The factors that cause living things to respond are called stimuli.

Living things respond to stimuli.

Non-living things do not respond to stimuli.
Mango Seed Mango Plant Dog & Puppy Cat & Kitten

The process by which living things produce young ones of their own kind is
called reproduction.
Hen & Chicks Lizard from egg
Living things reproduce.
Non-living things do not reproduce.
The time period for which a living thing lives is called its life span
Different living things have different life spans
The average life span of some plants and animals are

Living things have a life span.

Non-living things do not have life span.
Living Things Non-Living things
Living things move on their own. Non-living things do not move on
their own.

Living things need food to get energy Non-living things do not need food.
to carry out their activities.
Living thing grow. Non-living things do not grow.
Living things breathe. Non-living things do not breathe
Living thing respond to stimuli. Non-living things do not respond to
Living things reproduce. Non-living things do not reproduce.
Living things have a life span. Non-living things do not have a life
1. Animals depend directly or indirectly on
______________ for food.
2. The breathing organs of the fish is called
3. Akash was throwing stones at the street
dogs, Rakesh stopped him from doing
so. Who do you think is correct? Why?

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