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• With the help of electronic diagrams, describe the

formation of magnesium chloride and
tetrachloromethane from atoms of relevant elements.
State, with explanation, which of the two compounds
has a higher melting point.
In magnesium chloride, each magnesium atom _loses_ 2 electrons
and each chlorine atom __gains__ 1 electron to form _an ionic__
compound. 2+ xx -
xCl x xx x
Mg 2 x
x o
xx x Cl x
In CCl4, each carbon atom _shares _1_ electron with x xx x xo x x
Cl C Cl
4 chlorine atoms to form __covalent bonds_. x xx o o x
xo xx
x x
x xx x

Magnesium chloride has a _higher__ melting point than CCl 4

because magnesium chloride has __a giant ionic structure _ with
ions held by strong ionic bonds while CCl4 _molecules_ are held
by __weak van der Waals’ forces__.
04 ce5
• Na2O, MgO, SiO2 and SO2 are oxides of Period 3 elements in the
Periodic Table. Discuss how the melting points of these oxides
are related to their bonding and structure.
Na2O and MgO has __giant ionic structure___
with ions held by stronger ionic bonds, so they
have high melting point.
SiO2 has _giant covalent structure__with atoms
held by stronger covalent bonds, so it has high
melting point.
SO2 are _molecules_____held by _weaker van
der Waals’ forces__, so it has low melting point.
P. 2 / 113
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P. 3 / 113
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• Sodium conducts electricity as there are _delocalized

• Chlorine cannot conduct as there are no _mobile ions_ or
_delocalized electrons__
• Sodium chloride conducts in _molten/liquid_ or _aqueous
solution_ as there are _mobile ions_.
• Melting point
Chlorine has low melting point as molecules are held by
weaker van der Waals’ forces.
• Sodium has high melting point as it has _giant metallic
structure held by stronger metallic bonds.
• Sodium chloride has high melting point as it has _giant ionic
structure with ions held by strong ionic bonds_. P. 4 / 113
13 dse 13 print

Nitrogen< Lithium< Beryllium< carbon

Nitrogen has the __lowest__ melting point as
_molecules__ are held by weaker _van der
Waals’ forces_.
Melting point of lithium is _lower__ than
beryllium as the metallic bond in lithium is
__weaker___ than beryllium ( no. of delocalized/
outermost/ valence electrons in Li < Be)
Melting point of carbon is the highest as it has
__giant covalent_ structure. _Stronger ___
covalent bonds between atoms have to be
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P. 5 / 113
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16 dse 14

Electrical conductivity in the following order:

Al> Na> Si~S
Aluminium and sodium have higher conductivity than
silicon and sulphur as there are delocalized
_electrons__. Conductivity of aluminium is higher
than sodium as there are _more_ delocalized /
valence / outermost electrons in aluminium.
Silicon has _giant covalent __ structure. It has no
mobile ions or delocalized electrons, so it does not
[or Silicon is a _semi_- metal, so it conducts under
some conditions due to mobile electrons]
Sulphur exists as _molecules__. It has no mobile 6
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ions or delocalized electrons, so it does not conduct.
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14 dse 4)

Silver is the least reactive as only silver can be

obtained from silver oxide by _heating alone____.
Silver is the most stable.
Magnesium is the most reactive as it is obtained only
by _electrolysis__ of molten magnesium compound.
Magnesium is the least stable.
Copper is less reactive than magnesium as it is
obtained by heating using _carbon_ with oxide of

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Exercise 6 paragraph on reactivity
• Write a brief account on how you compare the reactivity of copper and
iron using the following chemicals.
Copper metal, iron metal, copper(II) chloride solution, iron(II) chloride
You should include the observations and chemical equations in your

• -Iron was put into copper(II) chloride solution

• -__Brown solid__ would be formed.
Solution turns from __blue to green__
• Iron can displace copper from copper(II) chloride solution,
so iron loses electrons more readily than copper
• Iron is __more reactive__ than copper
• Fe + Cu2+ → Fe2++ Cu
• No observable change when Cu was put into FeCl 2(aq).
P. 8 / 132

Dissolve the sample in (distilled) water.

Add excess Zn to the sample solution.
Filter off the solid/Zn/ Cu.
Evaporate the filtrate/ heat the filtrate and
cool down to allow crystallization and then
dry with filter paper.

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permitted to make any further copy of this work, or to make it available to others. It is important to understand and respect copyright. Date of
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Give the experimental details about how we determine the
empirical formula of copper oxide in the laboratory.
• To determine the empirical formula of copper oxide, a boiling tube
was weighed (w1).
• Copper oxide was put into the boiling tube and weighed again
• __Town gas____ was allowed to pass through the tube for 20
minutes with heating to turn black copper oxide to red __solid___.
• _Excess_ town gas was burnt.
• Town gas was kept passing over the hot copper for another 10
minutes to avoid copper turning back to _oxide of copper_.
• The tube with copper was weighed (w3).
• The mass of copper is w3-w1.
• The mass of oxide is w2-w3.
• The empirical formula can be worked out by working out the
following ratio:
(w3-w1)/63.5 to (w2-w3.)/16 P. 10 / 134
Give the experimental details about how we determine the
empirical formula of magnesium oxide in the laboratory.
• To determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide, a
_crucible__ and lid were weighed (w1).
• Magnesium was put into the crucible and weighed again (w2)
with the lid.
• Magnesium was lit and the _lid_ was lifted from time to time
to prevent the escape of white smoke of _magnesium oxide__
and allow _oxygen_ to go into the crucible.
• After heating for 10 minutes, the crucible and the lid with
_magnesium oxide__ were cooled and weighed (w3).
• The mass of magnesium is w2-w1.
• The mass of oxide is w3-w2.
• The empirical formula can be worked out by working out the
following ratio:
(w2-w1)/24.3 to (w3-w2)/16
P. 11 / 134

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