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Lesson Objectives:
1. Define series and differentiate it from a
2. Derive the formula for the sum of n
terms of an arithmetic sequence.
3. Find the sum of the terms of a given
arithmetic sequence.
If there’s something you would
like to receive as a christhmas
gift, what would it be? Why?
How many gifts
are given after
the day of
= 78 gifts
Activity: SUMming Up
Can you beat the TIME?
What is the sum of
the terms of each
finite sequence?

1, 4, 7, 10
Ans: 22

3, 5, 7, 9, 11
Ans: 35

10, 5, 0, -5, -10, -15

Ans: -15

-2, -5, -8, -11, -14, -17

Ans: -57

81, 64, 47, 30, 13, -4

Ans: 231
The Secret of Karl
Long long ago in a small town there was a kid who was still
in grade five primary level. During the class he used to be noisy
and the teacher was not happy with that.
The Secret of Karl
One day, the teacher came
up with an idea, that if he could
give one difficult mathematics
problem to this kid, that would
keep him quiet during the class
and he will not disturb other
The Secret of Karl
The next day, when the class just got
started the teacher then approached the

He said, “I want you to do this

mathematics question and I want you to
finish this and let me know if you finally
get the answer. And here is the question
I want you to find out what is one plus
two, plus three, plus four, plus five, plus
six, plus seven, plus eight, plus nine,
plus ten, plus eleven and I want you to
continue it until plus 100.”
The Secret of Karl
After that, the kid
took his pen and then
he then started to
write something on his
slate/writing pad, he
tried to find the
The Secret of Karl
The teacher in that time
looked pretty happy. He
believed that it would take a
long time for this kid to finish
the problem, so the teacher
then turned around and
headed towards the front of
the class.
The Secret of Karl
Surprisingly, when the
teacher just got in front of
the class, the kid raise
hand and say, “I already
got the answer. The
answer is 5050.”
The Secret of Karl
The teacher could not
believe what he heard.
He then tried to prove it
because actually the
teacher didn't know the
answer yet. He just gave
the question just to
make the kid quiet/busy.
The Secret of Karl
After finish calculating the teacher finally found the
answer, and the answer he got was 5,050 it was the
same answer the kid said.
The Secret of Karl
The Secret of Karl
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + … + 100 = ?
Carl Friedrich Gauss worked in a wide
variety of fields in both mathematics and
physics including number theory,
analysis, differential geometry, geodesy,
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss magnetism, astronomy and optics. His
Born: April 30, 177 work has had an immense influence in
Died: February 23, 1855 many areas.
The Secret of Karl
What is 1 + 2 + 3 + …. + 50 + 51 + … + 99 + 100?

Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss found the sum of

the integers within second. How did he do it?
Let us study the pattern made
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + … + 95 + 96 + 97 + 98 + 99 + 100

ARITHMETIC SERIES 50 x 101 = 5,050
Arithmetic Series
An arithmetic series, Sn is the
sum of the n terms of an
arithmetic sequence.
The first term of an arithmetic
sequence is 8, the last term is
56 and the sum is 416. Find
the number of terms.
If the first n terms of the
arithmetic sequence 24, 20,
16,... are added, how many of
these terms will be added to
get a sum of −60?
The first term of an arithmetic
sequence is 5, the last term is
45 and the sum is 275. Find
the number of terms.
If the first n terms of the
arithmetic sequence 20, 18,
16,... are added, how many of
these terms will be added to
get a sum of −100?

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