LU10 Assignment On Business Writing

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Business Writing

Prof Dr Harry Entebang
Topic :
Unclear Strategic Plan
• An organizational strategic plan is unclear, employees have struggled to align their
efforts with the overall vision and mission of the firm. Ambiguous goals and objectives
can result in misdirected actions and misunderstandings.
• Your group needs to develop a clear strategic plan and communicate the plan to your
• Assignment is to produce:
• Presentation Handout
• Infographic Poster
• Minute of Meeting to reflect the discussion of the plan
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• "To be a globally recognized leader in [industry/niche], driving innovation

and sustainable growth."

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• "We are committed to [mission statement], providing [products/services]

that exceed customer expectations, fostering a dynamic and inclusive work
environment, and contributing to the communities we serve."

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1.Market Leadership:
1. Objective 1: Attain a 20% market share within the next three years.
2. Objective 2: Expand our presence into [new markets/regions] by the end of the
strategic planning period.
2.Innovation and Technology:
1. Objective 1: Invest in research and development to launch [number] new
products/services within the next two years.
2. Objective 2: Implement technology upgrades to enhance operational efficiency and
customer experience.
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3. Customer Satisfaction:
1. Objective 1: Achieve a customer satisfaction rating of at least 90% within the next year.
2. Objective 2: Establish a customer feedback loop and implement improvements based on
customer insights.
4. Employee Engagement and Development:
3. Objective 1: Increase employee engagement scores by 15% within the next two years.
4. Objective 2: Implement a comprehensive training and development program to enhance
employee skills and career growth.
5. Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility:
5. Objective 1: Achieve [specific sustainability metric] by [target date].
6. Objective 2: Launch a community outreach program to positively impact [specific
community or cause].

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1.Market Leadership:
1. Strategy 1: Conduct market research to identify emerging trends and customer needs.
2. Strategy 2: Form strategic partnerships and alliances to expand our market presence.
2.Innovation and Technology:
1. Strategy 1: Allocate [percentage] of the budget to research and development initiatives.
2. Strategy 2: Collaborate with technology partners to implement state-of-the-art

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3. Customer Satisfaction:
1. Strategy 1: Implement a customer relationship management (CRM) system for better
customer interactions.
2. Strategy 2: Establish a dedicated customer support team and 24/7 helpline.
4. Employee Engagement and Development:
3. Strategy 1: Conduct regular employee surveys to gauge satisfaction and identify areas for
4. Strategy 2: Introduce mentorship programs and career development plans for all employees.
5. Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility:
5. Strategy 1: Develop and implement a sustainability plan outlining specific targets and
6. Strategy 2: Engage in community partnerships and support employee volunteer programs.

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Implementation Timeline

• Year 1:
• [Specific initiatives and projects]
• Year 2:
• [Additional initiatives and projects]
• Year 3:
• [Continued implementation and evaluation]

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Sample minutes of meeting on strategic plan

• Minutes of Meeting
• Meeting Date: [Date]
• Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]
• Location: [Meeting Location]

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• Attendees:
• [Name], [Position]
• [Name], [Position]
• [Name], [Position]
• [Name], [Position]
• [Name], [Position]

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1.Review and Approval of Previous Minutes
2.Strategic Plan Overview
3.Discussion on Vision and Mission
4.Review of Goals and Objectives
5.Alignment with Strategies
6.Action Items
7.Next Steps and Timeline
8.Closing Remarks
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1. Review and Approval of Previous Minutes:

• The minutes of the previous meeting held on [Date] were reviewed and
approved without any amendments.

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2. Strategic Plan Overview:

• [Presenting team/individual] provided an overview of the current strategic

plan, including:
• Summary of the vision and mission statements.
• Overview of overarching goals and objectives.
• Brief on the strategies outlined to achieve the objectives.

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3. Discussion on Vision and Mission:

• The team engaged in a detailed discussion regarding the organization's

vision and mission. Key points discussed:
• Clarification on the vision statement and its alignment with long-term
• Confirmation of the mission statement's relevance and commitment to

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4. Review of Goals and Objectives:

• A comprehensive review of the goals and objectives outlined in the strategic

plan took place. Key points discussed:
• Specificity and measurability of each goal.
• Relevance of objectives to the overall vision and mission.
• Any adjustments needed to reflect current organizational priorities.

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5. Alignment with Strategies:

• [Name/team] presented the strategies outlined in the strategic plan. Points

• Alignment of strategies with the identified goals and objectives.
• Identification of key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring progress.
• Discussion on the feasibility and potential challenges in implementing

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6. Action Items:

• [Name] to compile feedback from the meeting and circulate it to all

attendees by [Deadline].
• [Department heads/team leaders] to review and ensure alignment of their
respective departmental goals with the strategic plan.
• [Name] to coordinate with [relevant teams] for the implementation of
specific strategies.

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7. Next Steps and Timeline:

• The timeline for the next steps in the strategic planning process was
discussed and agreed upon:
• [Upcoming meeting dates and milestones]

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8. Closing Remarks:

• The meeting was concluded with closing remarks, expressing appreciation

for the active participation and dedication to the organization's strategic

• Next Meeting: [Date], [Time], [Location]

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