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What is The Green Gold?
• ANOTHER NAME OF ALGAE IS GREEN GOLD.Microalgae are prokaryotic or
eukaryotic photosynthetic microorganisms that can grow rapidly and live in
harsh conditions due to their unicellular or simple multicellular structure.
Examples: Prokaryotic microorganisms: Cyanobacteria (Cyanophyceae)
Eukaryotic microalgae: Green algae (chlorophyta) and diatoms
• Algae are recognised as one of the oldest life-forms. They are primitive plants
(thallophytes), i.e. lacking roots, stems and leaves, have no sterile covering of
cells around the reproductive cells and have chlorophyll a as their primary
photosynthetic pigment.
• Algae structures are primarily for energy conversion without any
development beyond cells, and their simple development allows them to
adapt to prevailing environmental conditions and prosper in the long term
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Biofuels – the
• Derived form biological materials through
biomass conversion • Renewable
• Production requires more effort and
• Can significantly reduce greenhouse gas
emissions • Release CO2 when burning
• Biofuel production consumes it back
• Types:
• Ethanol • Biodiesel • Bio gasoline • Bio
butanol • Methane • Jet fue

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Technologies for the production of
microalgal biomass production
• Under natural growth conditions phototrophic algae
absorb sunlight, and assimilate carbon dioxide from
the air and nutrients from the aquatic habitats. 
Therefore, as far as possible, artificial production
should attempt to replicate and enhance the
optimum natural growth conditions.
• The use of natural conditions for commercial algae
production has the advantage of using sunlight as a
free natural resource .
• However, this may be limited by available sunlight
due to diurnal cycles and the seasonal variations;
thereby limiting the viability of commercial
production to areas with high solar radiation.
• For outdoor algae production systems, light is
generally the limiting factor .

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Mass Priduction Methods For Algae
For Bio-fuel
• Open pond system :The most commonly used systems include shallow big ponds, tanks, circular ponds
&raceway ponds since 1950s,CARBONDIOXIDE,NITROZEN,WASTE WATER..
• Closed pond system:A closed pond is to close it off, to cover a pond or pool with green house.The growing
season can be extended by heating.
• Air-lift method:The culture is grown in transparent tubes that lie horizontally on the ground & are
connected by a network of pipes
• Marine /Open Ocean cultivation:The most common name of marine algae is “seaweed”.
• Desert cultivation:Algae can be grown in salt water ponds in the deserts for biodesel production.
• Photobioreactors :PBRs facilitate better control of culture environment such as CO2 supply,
water supply, optimal temperature, efficient exposure to light, culture density, pH levels, gas
supply rate mixing regime, etc. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.
Compairing with 1st
& 2nd generation
1. First-generation biofuels are directly
related to a biomass that is generally
2. Second-generation biofuels are defined
as fuels produced from a wide array of
different feedstock, ranging from
lignocellulosic feedstocks to municipal
solid wastes.
=>pollution, deforestation, biodiversity
loss, rural development, food security,
energy security,Use of Fertilizers,Shortage
of Food,Industrial Pollution,Water Use.
3. Third-generation biofuels are, at this
point, related to algal biomass but could to
a certain extent be linked to utilization of
CO2 as feedstock.
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Extraction Fuel

• The oil press -75% of oil from algae

• The hexane solvent method -95%
• The supercritical fluids method -100%
->Dehydration- transesterification.>>
>Hydrothermal liquefaction
-fuel, gasoline, or diesel

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1. Algae grows at higher efficiency
levels than other biofuel crops
2. Algae is more productive than
other forms of biomass.
3.Algae is a renewable resource.
4. Algae produces viable
hydrocarbons for numerous products.
5. Algae is something that almost
anyone can grow.
6. Algae can grow in virtually all
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7. Algae biofuels work with our

current distribution system.

List of the Advantages of Algae 8. Algae growth helps us to curb our

greenhouse gas emissions.
List of Disadvantages of
Algae Biofuel
• High water requirement
-The process of microalgae cultivation is highly water-intensive.
• Commercial viability
-mainly due to a lack of funding and a relatively low petroleum
• Stability
-The biodiesel produced from the processing of microalgae differs
from other forms of biodiesel in the content of polyunsaturated
fats. Polyunsaturated fats are known for their ability to retain
fluidity at lower temperatures. While this may seem like an
advantage in production during the colder temperatures of the
winter, the polyunsaturated fats result in lower stability during
regular seasonal temperatures

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• According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
(BBS), the country has achieved near self-
sufficiency in food grain production but is far
behind in energy production and supply.
• Policy makers and researchers in many countries
have been looking for alternatives to fossil oil,
and bio-fuel is one of the promising options. For
several years, microalgae (in Bangla Shobuj
Soibal or Seola) has been mentioned
• Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the
Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology
jointly funded the sequencing and the initial
analysis for Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
(BRRI). Similar projects for microalgae
collections, culture, and research will give us a
green economy and it will be considered the
green gold of Bangladesh.
STAY SAFE This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

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