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III sem
Unit 1: Approaches and methods of teaching
 1.1 Teacher centred and learner centred approaches.
Teacher-Centered approach:
 The prime focus is on the teacher .
 Generally, the teacher talks and the students don't do much conversing or
 Though there are more up-to-date versions of this model, in its original form the
idea was that the teacher held ultimate authority and the students were "empty
vessels" whose job was to absorb
 Teacher-imparted information through passive listening.
 Here teacher is all-knowing figure of ultimate power
 Leture method: It's more likely you'll encounter teacher-based instruction in the
form of classes with a lecture structure or some subjects in which the students need
to be given a critical mass of information before they can do much with it.
Teacher-Centered approach:

 Benefits: it can help keep the classroom orderly and the

teacher in control of the schedule and the way topics are
 Disadvantages : There's little communication, a lot of
chances for zoning out, and the possibility that students
won't engage as much with the subject, since they don't
get to express opinions or ask questions.
Difference between teacher centred and learner
centred approaches.

 At least, those are the cons where teacher-centered

instruction in its fullest form is employed. In most
cases, you'll probably see something of a mix
between the two instruction styles. But before we
get into what that looks like, let's go over the
characteristics of student-centered learning.
Methods of teaching under teacher centered

 Lecture method
 Lecture cum demonstration method.
Lecture method
Lecture cum demonstration
 Lecture-cum-demonstration includes the merits
of the lecture as well as demonstration method. It
attempts to filter out the disadvantages of both.
 Demonstration means 'to show'.
 In Lecture method teacher just tells but
in demonstration method teacher shows and
illustrates certain fundamental phenomena
Learner centered approach.
 Learner centered approach : Student-Centered
 Here, focus is on the students .
 But that doesn't mean that the teacher doesn't lead the
room, or that the students pick a subject and start
experimenting without any guidance. Instead, this
approach usually involves a fair amount of
interaction between the teacher and the students, as
well as among students through group work and
other collaborative activities.
Learner centered approach.
Thinking in terms of learning goals, emphasis is usually on
involving students to help develop
 critical thinking

 Inquiry skills

 Ability to connect the classroom topic to real-life concerns

 Coming up with good questions to investigate a subject

 Learning from mistakes that get made along the way.

such characteristics of student-focused learning

 Students gain skills in communication and collaboration, as

well as how to take charge of their own learning by asking good

questions and being responsible for specific tasks.
Learner centered approach.
On to the cons:
 The room gets noisy

 The students are more distracted and may let certain details slide;

 Teacher’s introverts will not be happy

 Teacher, content and the learner may face some fluster trying to rein

in multiple groups at once.

 And as for keeping all those groups from meandering too far off topic,

a glance through discipline and classroom management is a must.

 A mix between these two and other types of learning are project-based

learning, inquiry-based learning, and other forms

 Teacher’s prime part is making sure the focus is always on the

Teaching Methods under learner centered

 Project method
 Heuristic method
 Inductive method
 Deductive method
 Indo - deductive method
 Programmed instruction
Project method
 Project Based Learning is a teaching method in
which students gain knowledge and skills by
working for an extended period of time to
investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging,
and complex question, problem, or challenge.
 The project method is an educational enterprise in
which children solve a practical problem over a
period of several days or weeks. It may involve
building a rocket, designing a playground, or
publishing a class newspaper.
Heuristic method
Heuristic method
Teacher rarely help or guide the students
Preparation of an anemometer
 An anemometer is a device used for measuring
wind speed and is a common weather station
 Result : 10 turns per min = speed of the wind is
1mile per hour (1mph).
Inductive method and deductive method of
What do you think is your answer ?

 If u think it is inductive or deductive....justify!?!

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