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• Echinacea or coneflower is one of kinds of flowers which widely grown in america and europe .Of various species, there were three kinds of

echinacea that is often used for the treatment, namely echinacea purpurea, echinacea angustifolia, and echinacea pallida. These three types of

echinacea is rich in will active compound to give the effect of anti inflammation of or work as antioxidant. Those compounds covering

alkamida , phenolic acid, rosmarinat acid, sikorat acid, and acid kafeat. You have a diverse echinacea benefits that we can get, of them:
• 1. Treat the common cold and flu
• 2. Counteracting free radical
• 3. To overcome the problem of the skin
• 4. Reduce anxiety
• 5. Control blood sugar levels.

• Elderberry have long been used in folk medicine. Colored pieces slaty with various nutrients it contains many benefits, Ranging from

overcome flu to make heart. Edelberry is one type of berries included in the family adoxaceae. The fruit is having little size with aroma

typical soft. It is quite an acid and usually have to first cooked before being eaten .Elderberry common processed to supplement and tea.

For health benefits elderberry elderberry low calorie and rich in fiber.The fruit is also a source of vitamin c and rich antioxidant

compounds, as flavonol, flavonoid, and anthocyanin. No wonder if elderberry and has the potential to bring many benefits to health, as:

• 1. Relieve the symptoms of cold and flu

• 2. Heart care

• 3. Healthy digestion

• 4. Keep endurance

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