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National and International

Roles of Community
Health Nurse
Faraz Siddiqui
PhD Scholar
Today's objective
At the end of today's class students will be able to
* Explore the roles of CHN at national and
international level.
Definition of CHN
• A community health nurse is a registered nurse
who focuses on promoting and preserving the
health of individuals, families, and communities.
They work within the community, providing a range
of healthcare services, preventive interventions,
health education, and collaborating with local
resources to address health needs.
Roles of CHN at national level
• At the national level, community health nurses play
pivotal roles in promoting public health, preventing
diseases, and improving the overall well-being of
the population.
Health Promotion and Education
• Community health nurses are involved in
developing and implementing health promotion
programs at the national level. They educate
communities on preventive measures, healthy
lifestyles, and disease management.
Primary Healthcare Delivery
• They provide essential primary healthcare services,
particularly in rural and underserved areas. This
includes routine check-ups, vaccinations, and basic
health assessments.
Disease Prevention and Control
• Community health nurses contribute to national
efforts in preventing and controlling infectious
diseases. They may be involved in immunization
campaigns, disease surveillance, and contact
tracing during outbreaks
Maternal and Child Health
• These nurses are instrumental in national initiatives
aimed at improving maternal and child health
outcomes. This includes antenatal care, postnatal
care, family planning, and childhood immunization.
Community Assessment and
Needs Identification
Community health nurses conduct assessments to
identify health needs and priorities within different
populations. This information guides the
development of targeted interventions and
healthcare policies.
Policy Advocacy
• They advocate for policies that promote public
health and address social determinants of health.
Community health nurses collaborate with
policymakers to influence decisions related to
healthcare delivery and access.
Disaster Preparedness and
• Community health nurses contribute to national
strategies for disaster preparedness and response.
They play a crucial role in coordinating healthcare
services during emergencies and natural disasters.
Community Empowerment
• Nurses work towards empowering communities to
take control of their health. This involves fostering
community engagement, building partnerships, and
promoting community-led initiatives for health
Data Collection and Surveillance
• They are involved in collecting and analyzing health
data to monitor trends, assess the effectiveness of
interventions, and inform evidence-based decision-
making at the national level.
Collaboration with Other
Healthcare Professionals
• Community health nurses collaborate with various
healthcare professionals, including physicians,
public health officials, and social workers, to ensure
comprehensive and coordinated healthcare
Training and Capacity Building:
• They contribute to the training and development of
healthcare workers, including community health
workers, to enhance the overall capacity of the
healthcare system.
Roles of CHN at International
• At the international level, community health nurses
contribute to global health by addressing public
health challenges, promoting health equity, and
collaborating on a larger scale.
Working on a wide range of
global health issues
International health nurses may work on various
health concerns, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis,
smoking, and environmental hazards, in different
settings, including government agencies, non-
governmental organizations, and as independent
Community mobilization:
• International health nurses possess skills in
community mobilization for integrated health
development, which involves engaging
communities in identifying and addressing health
Health research, planning,
implementation, and innovation
• International health nurses contribute to health
services by conducting research, planning,
implementing, and innovating health policies and
Representing the health
• As nurses and midwives constitute a significant
portion of the qualified health workforce in many
countries, international health nurses play a key
role in setting future directions for global health
Collaboration with NGOs and
International Organizations
• Community health nurses often collaborate with
non-governmental organizations (NGOs), United
Nations agencies, and other international bodies to
implement health programs, especially in resource-
limited settings.
• Thanks for attention

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