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Human Person in

Quarter 2 –Module 3:
How will you describe a society?

Society is an organized group of people whose members

interact freely and have a common territory and culture. It
also refers to companionship or friendly association with
others, an alliance, a community,or a union.
Auguste Comte French
Auguste Comte is the father of
Philosopher sociology, introducing the term
in 1838. He believed societies
evolve through religious,
metaphysical, and scientific
stages. Comte emphasized the
importance of scientific
knowledge over speculation and
superstition, envisioning
sociologists advancing society
through understanding societal
change (dynamics) and
persistence (statics).
Humans are initially selfish and at war, but their
rationality makes them realize that cooperation and a
sovereign authority lead to a better life. This social
contract involves giving up some freedom for safety,
and a political structure is necessary for peace and

Thomas Hobbes Humans, driven by self-interest, recognize the

British Philosopher advantages of collaboration and governance through
rational thinking. They establish a social contract,
1588-1679 sacrificing some freedoms for protection,
emphasizing the need for a political structure to
maintain peace, order, and societal well-being.
Locke believed that all people
havenatural rightsno matter what
the culture or circumstancesare.
Natural rights constitute a basic
moral law. Every person has these
rights, simply by virtue of being
John Locke
human. In Locke’s view, the right to
British Philosopher life, liberty, health, and property
1632-1704 are inalienable
Humans, driven by self-
interest, recognize the
advantages of collaboration
and governance through
rational thinking. They
establish a social contract,
sacrificing some freedoms
for protection, emphasizing
Jean-Jacques Rousseau the need for a political
Swiss Philosopher structure to maintain
1712-1778 peace, order, and societal
What are the different forms of societies?

Throughout history, the development of societiesshows the

development of humankind
in response to changing surroundings and historical developments.
The various forms of societies that emerged are the

➢ Hunting and gathering society

➢ Pastoral society
➢ Horticultural society
➢ Agrarian or Agricultural society
➢ Feudal society
➢ Industrial society
➢ Post-Industrial society
The earliest and simplest
form of society is small,
composed of families, and
nomadic. They search for
food and have no permanent
territory. Members are
treated equally, make
decisions by consensus, and
have flexible roles and
Hunting and Gathering division of labor.
Animal domestication led to the rise
of settled societies with a reliable
food supply. These societies had
larger populations and stayed in one
place. They produced surplus food,
which they traded with other
societies. Pastoral societies emerged
12,000 years ago, relying on animals
Pastoral Society for food and transportation. They
still exist today, particularly in desert
areas where agriculture and
manufacturing are challenging.
In this society, people engage in small-
scale farming and animal
domestication. They are semi-
nomadic, moving when resources are
depleted. Gender roles are clearly
defined, with women focused on
domestic work and men on hunting
and farming. This society is an
evolution of pastoral and horticultural
Horticultural Society societies. Agriculture involves large-
scale cultivation and animal
domestication, using improved
technology and tools. Increased
production and population growth are
characteristic of agricultural societies.
more structured social system that helps
manage resourcesand its members.

Agrarian or Agricultural Society

Feudalism, from the 9th to 15th centuries, was a

society based on land ownership. Vassals cultivated
their lord's land and were granted the right to
manage parcels of land. Peasants worked the land
in exchange for military protection. Society was
organized by status, with landowners being the
most powerful. Family and community
relationships were highly valued, and the higher
class preferred to maintain traditional ways and
resist social change.

Feudal Society
Industrial societies are based on
specialized machinery, resulting from
the industrial revolution in the late 18th
century. This led to advancements in
technology, trade, and living conditions.
Work shifted to factories, education
became more widespread, and
inequalities in wealth and power
increased. Industrial societies are
characterized by diverse cultures,
bureaucratic organizations, and
impersonal relationships. The industrial
Industrial Society revolution originated in Great Britain
and spread globally.
Post-industrial societies are
characterized by a focus on
knowledge, information, and
service-based economies. Members
of these societies have higher
education, specialized roles, and
utilize communication technology
and the internet. In virtual societies,
Post-Industrial Society individuals have complex
relationships, fluid identities, and
freedom to engage in diverse
activities and access information.
Social institutionsare certain groups that perform vital
functions in the society.

➢Barangay ➢Workplace
Social Institution Characteristics

Family is a fundamental social institution

and the basic unit of social organization. It
is the nucleus of all social structures,
providing stability and playing a vital role in
socialization. No society can exist without
families, as they form the most immediate
and enduring groups that greatly influence
Family individuals' lives.
The church is a religious
community for fellowship, worship,
and ministry. It is open to all
believers and serves as a spiritual
refuge and support for those in
need. Sociologically, churches are
characterized by bureaucratic
structure, positive relationships
with society and the state, and a
broad vision for society and other
Church religious bodies.
School is an educational institution where
children learn and grow under the
guidance of teachers. It provides a
learning environment and teaches
important skills like teamwork and
relationship-building. School boosts
confidence, fosters friendships, and
School allows for the spread of knowledge and
exposure to new ideas.
Social System Characteristics

A workplace is where people work

for their employers, ranging from
home offices to large buildings. It is
a significant social space, involving
workers, organizations, customers,
and society as a whole.
Workplace Advancements in technology have
also given rise to virtual workplaces
that transcend physical locations.
A barangay is the smallest administrative
division in the Philippines. It's like a village
or district. The term comes from the word
"barangay," which was a type of boat used
by early migrants to the Philippines.
Barangays play a critical role in local
governance, serving as the primary unit
Barangay for planning, implementing government
policies, and resolving disputes within the

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