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Presented by, Guided by,

M,VIGNESH KUMAR – 3462010002 Dr. DEVARAJAN. M.E, P.hd.,


01/10/2024 1

RFID asset tracking, there is one tracking technology that offers full
efficiency in the most cost-effective way RFID asset tracking technology
stands for 'Radio Frequency Identification', a technology that works via
radio waves. In its simplest form, RFID asset tracking is a way to
automate the process of managing and locating physical assets. It works
by uploading an RFID tag with the data and attaching it to a related
entity. This data can include name, condition, quantity and location.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have become more and more
accustomed to the idea of accessing things or doing things without
having to touch things. And one of those technologies that helps us do
things quickly without having to touch anything is asset tracking RFID.

01/10/2024 2
This project is to solve the logistics complexities in the Big Corporation
in areas such as storage, inventory management, tracking. Accessing the
information without missing. RFID tags and scanners can potentially
improve product and materials handling inside and outside the
warehouse environment, with applications ranging from inventory
management to automation .Also this project reduces the complexities
in returning procedure. By providing a better product tracking
throughout the entire process of the returning. Also comparing to the
other competitors such as QR, Bar Code it can be easily damaged or
modified. Also Bar code and QR need to be scanned directly but it’s not
necessary for the RFID. RFID is a fantastic technology for businesses,
particularly warehousing, retail and livestock. RFID tags can be attached
to merchandise in a warehouse so that employees can automatically
conduct inventories with handheld readers that send data to the
company's servers or databases. Users don't have to go back to a
terminal to enter data manually
01/10/2024 3
• RFID is a highly versatile technology with applications throughout Business.

• From controlling manufacturing processes to maintenance and inspection of


• Managing assets and tracking goods through to distribution

• RFID systems offer benefits for businesses of all sizes, allowing them to rapidly

• Efficiency and reduce cost by automating processes and improving utilization of

assets and quality.

• RFID can form the basis of an effective asset management system and is also at the
heart of the internet of things
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The RFID reader is a network-connected device that can be portable or permanently
attached. It uses radio waves to transmit signals that activate the tag. Once activated, the
tag sends a wave back to the antenna, where it is translated into data. The transponder is
in the RFID tag itself.

There is a flow from factory to the customer through warehouse distribution logistic
&shipping but they didn’t provide a return flow when the products are declined. This is
the major disadvantages.
01/10/2024 5

• When the products are manufactured it will be attach with RFID tag.

• From factory to the hands of customer it will be continuously tracking.

• The information whether the products is sold or the products declined are declined
by the customers are updated in the Firebase which is cloud based storage. Here
there is a return flow added.

• So when the products are declined by the customers it returns to the factory and
update the sudden information in the fire base which is a cloud based storage.

• Based upon the order delivered and declined the information are stored in the

• This is the advantage over the existing methodology.

01/10/2024 6

01/10/2024 7
RFID offers several benefits, a good many of which you can realize today
to a substantial degree with the existing products. Other benefits are also
somewhat realizable, and it is expected that improvements in the
technology will steadily bring these benefits to a mature level . To conclude
we’ll say that to reap the benefits of the radio frequency
identification(RFID) technology in the future one should start implementing
it today. It surely gives promising future benefits to the logistics and supply
chain industry .we should integrate RFID with hospital information systems
(HIS) and electronic health records (EHRs) and support it by clinical decision
support systems (CDSS), it facilitates processes and reduce medical,
medication and diagnosis errors. FID technology is being widely used,
especially in supply chain management and logistics. Due to the decreasing
price of RFID tags, RFID technology will soon replace bar codes in more
applications within supply chains. Radio frequency identification technology
is a remarkable business tool for many aspects of business including Supply
Chain Management (SCM). RFID is a growing technology that enable close
cooperation of the supply chain partners by real-time information visibility
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01/10/2024 9

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