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Newtons law of Cooling

Newton’s law of cooling describes the rate at which an exposed body changes
temperature through radiation, which is approximately proportional to the difference
between the object’s temperature and its surroundings, provided the difference is small.

Definition: According to Newton’s law of cooling, the rate of loss of heat from a body is
directly proportional to the difference in the temperature of the body and its surroundings.
Newton’s law of cooling is given by, dT/dt = k(T t – Ts)
Tt = Temperature of the body at time t
Ts = Temperature of the surrounding
k = Positive constant that depends on the area and nature of the surface of the body under
Newton’s Law of Cooling Formula

 Newton’s Law of Cooling Formula

 Greater the difference in temperature between the system and its
surrounding, the more rapidly the heat is transferred, i.e., the more
rapidly the body temperature of body changes. Newton’s law of
cooling formula is expressed by,
 T(t) = Ts + (To – Ts) e-kt
 Where,
 t = time,
 T(t) = Temperature of the given body at time t
 Ts = Surrounding temperature
 To = Initial temperature of the body
 k = Constant
Newton's Law of Cooling has various practical applications in different fields.
Some notable applications include:
1.Thermal Analysis in Engineering:
Newton's Law of Cooling is often used in engineering to analyze the cooling of
machinery, electronics, and various components. It helps engineers understand
the temperature changes over time and design effective cooling systems.
2.Food and Beverage Industry:
In the food industry, Newton's Law of Cooling is applied to study the cooling
or heating of food products during processing and storage. It assists in
determining optimal conditions to maintain food safety and quality.
3.Medical Applications:
The law is utilized in medical contexts to model the cooling of tissues during
therapeutic procedures, such as cryotherapy or laser treatments. Understanding
temperature changes is crucial to ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical
4.Climate Modeling:
Climate scientists use Newton's Law of Cooling to model temperature
changes in various regions. It aids in predicting the effects of climate
change and understanding temperature variations over time.

5.Forensic Science:
In forensic investigations, the law can be applied to estimate the time of
death by analyzing the cooling rate of a deceased body. This is known as
forensic entomology.

6.Physics Experiments:
In physics experiments, particularly those involving heat transfer, Newton's
Law of Cooling serves as a fundamental principle. It helps in designing and
interpreting experiments related to temperature changes.
7.Heat Exchanger Design:
Engineers use the law in the design and analysis of heat exchangers. It aids in
predicting the temperature profiles of fluids as they pass through the exchanger.

8.Cooking Processes:
Newton's Law of Cooling is relevant in the culinary field to understand how the
temperature of cooked food changes over time. It helps in determining optimal
cooking times and temperatures.

9.Environmental Monitoring:
In environmental science, the law is applied to study temperature changes in
bodies of water, soil, and the atmosphere. It contributes to climate studies and
ecological research.
10.Quality Control in Manufacturing:
In manufacturing processes, especially those involving heat treatment,
the law is used to control and optimize the cooling of materials to
achieve desired properties.

These applications highlight the versatility of Newton's Law of Cooling in

diverse fields where understanding temperature changes and heat transfer
processes is crucial for analysis, design, and decision-making.
 The difference in temperature between the body
and surroundings must be small
 The loss of heat from the body should be by
radiation only
 The major limitation of Newton’s law of cooling
is that the temperature of the surroundings must
remain constant during the cooling of the body

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