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Listening and speaking: Listen

to and discuss a folklore

10 October 2023
• Myths are stories that are passed down about how or why something came to be.
• Who are the characters?
• What is the setting of the story (time/place)?
• What is the plot?
• What conflict occurs in the text?
• What is the message of the story?
• What cultural customs, values and beliefs are portrayed in the story?
• Give an example of good and evil from the story.
• Give an example of a stereotype created in the story.
• Write a summary of 5 sentences. Number your sentences from 1-5. Your summary should be
in the correct sequence and written in the correct tense.
1. God saw that mankind injured themselves a lot and it left scars on their skin so he sent the
chameleon with a gift of new skin for men and women.
2. The chameleon was very fast at that time and went to earth to deliver the package and
stopped by a river to drink water where he met the snake who was very interested in the
package for the humans.
3. The snake invited the chameleon for lunch because he had a scheme to steal the package
from the humans since he was jealous that God liked them so much.
4. The chameleon fell asleep and woke up seeing that the snake took the package and then he
felt betrayed by die snake and ashamed that he disobeyed God.
5. He sat on a tree’s bark and changed the colour of his skin to hide because of how sad he

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