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Comfort climate conditioning of cars in extreme temperatures

Name and Student Id :- Naga Venkata Mahesh Babu and 30360988

Supervisor :- Dr. Hoss Sadafi
Overview Of Slides

• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Project Concept
• Risks in execution of project
• Project time management
• References

• In a busy life, people leaving babies and pet animals in cars and they are unaware
of hazards that cause, in extreme temperatures (Summer) interior of cars will warm
almost double than the outside temperature, for example, If the outside temperature
is a pleasant 24C and your car is in the sun, within 10 minutes it can reach 38C
inside. it's very hard to survive with the temperature in a closed part.
• From that point, my project was started, main challenge is how to overcome certain
situations that happened without our notice.
• By creating automatic ventilation, when the temperature of car interior was high,
we can overcome certain situations.
Literature review
• Fowler, R. J. (1986). This article examines the original methods used in the design and development
of a climate control system based on the microprocessor. This focuses on air conditioning and
makes use of state-of - the-art engineering and components to produce a new passenger car model.
• Jones, M. R., Stapleford, W. R., & Fletcher, D. W. (1997). They performed a structure sealing and
indoor air circulation performance test and evaluation were performed on a number of medium-size
passenger cars, The vehicle's total air circulation and the body leakage-to-elimination relationship
impacts the interior of the vehicle's climate control.
• M.A. Jasni and F.M. Nasir. (2012). It states that the maximum temperature has been
measured in all situations at the dashboard. The use of ventilators has been shown to reduce
the average maximum temperature of the ambient air inside the car by as much as 3.3o C.
While their quality is more or less identical to that of the window tints, their implementation
is impractical. All in all, it can be argued that window tints are the best way to reduce internal
Literature review

• Shams, S., Poon, K., Aljunaibi, A., Tariq, M., Salem, F., & Ruta, D. (2019). This report outlines
the development and application of a new low-cost solar cooling system for idle vehicles, This
system's key aim is to reduce significantly the temperature in the car park without using the
motor or the A / C device itself. The proposed design cools the air in the car and micro fan to
improve heat exchanges by using a thermoelectric element.

Research Gaps
• To increase efficiency, replace solar panels with a transparent photovoltaic cell.
• Previous works mainly used exhaust fans to reduce temperature, and not concentrated on any
• Most of the automated cooling systems taking long time to reduce temperature, have to
design new automated temperature controller to reduce time and increase efficiency.
Temperature Rise In Enclosed Vehicle
Project Concept
• To reduce interior temperature of idle or parked car using transparent photovoltaic glass.
• The project mainly depends on the translucent photovoltaic panels and battery and PCBs and
temperature measurement and fan.
• where photovoltaic is a type of solar panels that absorbs the heat and generate the electricity.
• by arranging the translucent photovoltaic panels to rear windshield we can generate the
electricity and we can store energy with the help of a battery.
• by designing the circuit diagram according to our project needs (temperature detecting, turn on
fan, opening glasses), by connecting all the parts in series (translucent photovoltaic panels,
Battery, PCB, A/C fan).
• When the temperature detector reached the setup temperature the PCB will turn on the fan, with
this process we can create some ventilation, which helps to reduce the interior temperature of
the car in extreme temperature.
Risks in execution of the project
• Technical Risks: -This project needs high technical knowledge about demisters and
• Design Risks: - Project involves with many circuit designs and execution designs,
Low quality design will make your project output low.
• Equipment availability and cost: - Availability of Equipment’s that required to the
project, shortage of parts may cause break to the project and costs of the parts that
we spend, we have to spend according to availability of funds.
• Decisions quality: - Slow, low quality or ambiguous decisions are common risks to
execute a project.
Deliverables of your work
• Because there is a substantial increase in temperature
inside the car. In order to automate the ventilation process,I want to
create a automate cooling system to keep normal temperature in
interior of idle cars using photovoltaic cell.
• When the temperature detector reached the setup temperature the
PCB will turn on the fan, with this process we can create some
ventilation, which helps to reduce the interior temperature of the
car in extreme temperature.

Project Time Management

 Fowler, R. J. (1986). Development of an in-car climatic control system. Proceedings of the

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Transport Engineering, 200(5), s27-s33.
 Jones, M. R., Stapleford, W. R., & Fletcher, D. W. (1997). A Study of Passenger Car Body
Sealing and Interior Airflow Performance Characteristics (No. 971843). SAE Technical Paper.
 Jasni, M. A., & Nasir, F. M. (2012, February). Experimental comparison study of the passive
methods in reducing car cabin interior temperature. In Malaysia: International Conference on
Mechanical, Automobile and Robotics Engineering (ICMAR) Penang (pp. 229-233).
 Shams, S., Poon, K., Aljunaibi, A., Tariq, M., Salem, F., & Ruta, D. (2019). Federation
University Australia - Remote Authentication Gateway. Retrieved 10 October 2019, from
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