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• Sustainable tourism means achieving quality growth in a manner
that does not deplete the natural and built environments and
preserves the local community's culture, history, and heritage
Make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key
element in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological
processes, and helping to conserve natural heritage and

Respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities,

conserve their built and living cultural heritage and traditional
values, and contribute to inter-cultural understanding and

Ensure viable, long-term economic operations, providing fairly

distributed socio-economic benefits to all stakeholders, including
stable employment and income-earning opportunities and social
services to host communities, and contributing to poverty
No Poverty - Tourism provides income through job creation at local and community levels

Zero Hunger - Tourism can spur sustainable agriculture by promoting the production and supplies to
hotels and sales of local products to tourists

Good Health and Well-being – Tax income generated from tourism can be reinvested in health care and

Quality Education – Tourism has the potential to promote inclusiveness

Gender Equality – Tourism can empower women, particularly through the provision of direct jobs and
income generation from small and medium enterprises in tourism and hospitality-related enterprises
Clean Water and Sanitation -
Affordable and Clean Energy - As a Decent Work and Economic Growth
Tourism investment requirement for Industry Innovation and
sector, which is energy-intensive, - Tourism, as services trade, is one
providing utilities can play a critical Infrastructure - Tourism
tourism can accelerate the shift of the top four export earners
role in achieving water access and development relies on good public
towards increased renewable energy globally, currently providing one in
security and hygiene and sanitation and private infrastructure
shares in the global energy mix ten jobs worldwide
for all
Reduced Inequalities - Tourism can be a powerful tool for reducing
inequalities if it engages local populations and all key stakeholders in its

Sustainable Cities and Communities - Tourism can advance urban

infrastructure and accessibility, promote regeneration and preserve cultural
and natural heritage, assets on which tourism depends

Responsible Consumption and Production - The tourism sector needs to adopt

sustainable consumption and production modes, accelerating the shift towards

Climate Action - Tourism contributes to and is affected by climate change

Life Below Water - Coastal and maritime tourism rely on healthy marine
01 02 03
Life on Land - Rich biodiversity and Peace Justice and Strong Institutions - Partnership for the Goals - Due to its
natural heritage are often the main As tourism revolves around billions of cross-sectoral nature, tourism can
reasons tourists visit a destination encounters between people of diverse strengthen private/public partnerships
cultural backgrounds, the sector can and engage multiple stakeholders –
foster multicultural and inter-faith international, national, regional, and
tolerance and understanding, laying local – to work together to achieve the
the foundation for more peaceful SDGs and other common goals
Benefits Tourism with a sustainable emphasis ensures
Local there are many diverse opportunities for the
creation of jobs locally
Development It also encourages local entrepreneurship and
community reinvestment to sustain the economic
momentum and maintain it within the local
geographic region

Outsourcing to other parts of the world is

Ensures Tourism Development Benefits Both
Community and Environment

The characteristics of sustainable

tourism ensure that construction,
If key players in the tourism industry
maintenance, infrastructure, and
of an area are not careful, it can be
providing services related to tourism
very easy to deplete that region of
are undertaken in ways that do not
resources to meet the demand and
negatively affect local resources nor
growth of tourism
the community in which tourism
Meets Both Sustainable tourism must ensure that markets
Profitability served can be both profitable and viable for
the long term
and Viability
Seeking only to gain as much profit as
possible will require the industry to move on,
leaving the local economy and community in

The key to maximizing profit and long-term

success lies in offering goods and services
high in value and price but low in volume
Becomes Part of the Local Culture

One of the most important

characteristics of The tourist industry should A careful balance must be
sustainable tourism is that not detract from the special maintained in this endeavor
it does not take over the feel of a place and what to prevent loss of the
local culture and makes it unique original appeal to travelers
Reinvests in the Local Region

Article 1: Tourism's
Article 4: Tourism, a user
contribution to mutual Article 2: Tourism as a Article 3: Tourism, a
Responsible tourism can of the cultural heritage of
understanding and respect vehicle for individual and factor of sustainable
be regarded as behavior mankind and contributor
between peoples and collective fulfillment development
to its enhancement

Article 10:
Implementation of the Article 9: Rights of the Article 6: Obligations of Article 5: Tourism, a
Article 8: Liberty of
principles of the Global workers and entrepreneurs stakeholders in tourism beneficial activity for host
tourist movements
Code of Ethics for in the tourism industry development countries and communities
Reinvests in
the Local Minimizes negative economic, environmental, and social impacts

Region Generates economic benefits for local people, enhances the well-being of host
communities and improves working conditions and access to the industry

Involves local people in decisions that affect their lives and life chances

Makes a positive contribution to the conservation of natural and cultural

heritage and the maintenance of the world’s diversity

Provides more enjoyable experiences for tourists through more meaningful

connections with local people and a greater understanding of local cultural,
social, and environmental issues; and
Reinvests in
the Local

• Provides access for

physically challenged
people, is culturally
sensitive, engenders respect
between tourists and hosts,
and builds local pride and

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