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Classroom Rules
1. Respect your teacher as well as your
2. Observe cleanliness.
3. If you want to answer or if you have questions
kindly raise your hand to be acknowledge.
4. No cellphones allowed.
5. Follow the four rules.

“Guess the
Directions: In this game I have here Gibberish words and you
have to guess what these words mean.

1. Cash Wool 1. Casual

2. Pro Zinc 2. Frozen

3. Four Mole 3. Formal
4. Cone Soul That 4. Consultative
5. Hint Tie Meat 5. Intimate
First dialogue
Husband: Hon, have you seen my cap?
Wife: Uhmmm, I guess it's in the closet.
Husband: Thanks, hon. I'll check it.
Wife: Okay, hon.
Second dialogue

Classmate 1: Hey! What's up? You seem so very

Classmate 2: I have to finish some things up.
Classmate 1: Oh, I see. Wanna come for a milk tea at
the canteen?
Classmate 2: That's interesting! I wish I could but I
need to do this ASAP.
Classmate 1: Okay, just catch up when you're done.
Third dialogue
Patient: Good morning, Dr. Garcia. Patient: Thank you, Doc
Doctor: Hi, how have you been feeling? Patient: I have had a stomach ache and
Patient: I have had a stomach ache and LBM since last night.
LBM since last night. Doctor: What did you eat yesterday?
Doctor: What did you eat yesterday? Patient: I ate some 'kwek-kwek' and
Patient: I ate some 'kwek-kwek' and siomai with my friends after the class.
siomai Doctor: Likely, you ate contaminated
with my friends after the class. food. I am prescribing some medicine to
Doctor: Likely, you ate contaminated control the diarrhea.
food. I Patient: Thank you, Doc
am prescribing some medicine to
control the
diarrhea .
Guide Questions
1. From the first dialogue, what kind of relationship the two
people have?

2. How about the second dialogue? Who are conversing in the


3.What about the third dialogue? What relationship do the

two speakers have?
At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:
1. Identify the speech style used in social situation;
2. Value the importance of communication style in real
life situations; and
3. Create a skit and act out the different types of speech
Speech Style
Speech styles are patterns of speaking
characterized by distinctive pronunciation.

A unique way of delivering a speech or a

Five Types of Speech
1. Intimate
2. Casual
3. Consultative
4. Formal
5. Frozen
- used between people who have very close
relationships such as family members, best
friends, and couple.

- People speaking with intimate style do not care

about grammar or pronunciation.

A grandson
sharing his
stories of
achievement to
Two best friends recalling how
their friendship started.
- is a conversational way of talking used among
- Speaker use a lot of trendy words and phrases;
speaks in incomplete sentences; uses slang; not
conscious about pronunciation, grammar or choice
of words.

Group of friends enjoying talking to

each other while eating in a restaurant.
- used in semi-formal communication.
- conversations take place between professionals.
- communicators are not very familiar to each other or between
two parties who have different social positions.

- The speaker pronounces words well, chooses words carefully,

and speaks in complete sentences in order to minimize

A student asking his An employee asking his manager

teacher on his about his functions in case he will be
performance. promoted
- To inform and captivate audience.
- Much of the language spoken in formal style depends on
what the education system has taught individuals as to be
used in formal settings.

A student delivering a persuasive

- is used in very formal setting.
The words used for this speech style cannot be changed as
they are permanently inscribed in a document.

This is often seen in formal ceremonies and rituals like

weddings, baptism and other proclamations with formulaic

Groom and bride exchanging vows in

marriage ceremony. The Lord’s Prayer

Directions: Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the following
situations. Write your answers in your activity notebook.
1. talking to a lawyer
2. consulting to a doctor
3. talking to a stranger
4. leading a prayer before a program
5. giving pointers on an examination
6. delivering a demonstration speech
7. reading school rules and regulation
8. reading pledge of allegiance to the flag
9. communicating while doing a group project
10. having a heart to heart talk with a loved one

This time find a partner and let’s have differentiated activities. We will call this
activity “Let’s Make and Play”

1. Pair with someone and create just a two sentence conversations or skits.
2. Act out the different types of speech styles in various situations and be able to
present it creatively using the appropriate speech styles.
3. You are given 5 minutes to practice and 2 minutes to present.

Appropriate style and language used - 5 points
Grammar - 5 points
Delivery - 5 points
Total points 15 points

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