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 Project Selection and Prioritization

 Project Portfolio Management

 Organization: Structure and Culture
 Project Management Office

Project Selection and
Project Valuation Models

A. a project is chartered to improve an existing process

automating a payroll system

cutting labor cost
improving prepartion cycle time
cutting processing errors
Project Valuation Models

B. added consideration of intangible benefits to the project


>> intangibles is subject to various stakeholders’

perspectives which complicates comparative analysis
across projects
financial types operational types

more sensitive to softer items, i.e.

more sensitive to quantification
morale, ease of operation
Project Valuation Models
C. projects should be created to support organizational goals

>>this view hits at the core of the organizational structure

>>seeks to encompass tactical vs strategic initiatives, along with

environmental, stockholder, and other perspectives

>>evalution metrics must include both soft and hard financial

justification, with organizational goal perspectives linked to the
project objectives
Project Selection Strategies
• A framework envisioning a project role consistent with the
business personality (Hirschheim and Sabherwal):

Defender - defends a stable and predictable but narrow

niche in its industry
Prospector - seeks new opportunities and creates change
in the market
Analyzer - seeks to simultaneously minimize risk while
maximizing opportunities for growth
Project Selection Strategies
Project Portfolio Management
Organization: Structure and
Project Management Office

Richardson, G. Jackson, B. (2019). Project Management

Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition. Florida: CRC Press.
Hirschheim, R. Sabherwal, R. (2001) Detours in the path
toward Strategic Management System. California
Management Review.

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