English Enhancement Course 1

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Language has a very significant role in many people's
It symbolizes the cultures in societies where individuals
interact and use to communicate with each other.
Communication is a key power to facilitate interactions
among individuals and which provide them with stronger

With globalization and worldwide exchange of knowledge

and technology, English as an international language
serves as transmitter of varieties of knowledge from the
different parts of the world also as a means to enhance
There are varieties of standard
English in different occasions and
there are different levels of
language we use depend on the
subject, purpose, and target of the
language and they are:
Royal English Vulgar
Formal Specific
English Slang
English Trite or Concrete
al General Abstract
Royal English
when speaking with the members of the
Royal Family
e.g. instead of saying “Ma’am”/”Sir”, you’ll greet and call them
“Your Majesty”

like in tuxedo or evening gown used in formal
e.g. State of the Nation Address,
privilege speech, technical writing
or articles on serious subjects.
and simple sentences are commonly used,
and grammar plays a less important role.
e.g. What do you mean? (to ask for
Colloquispoken by educated people in casual
al e.g. want talk
to = wanna , going to = gonna , you all =
Vulgarused by uneducated class
e.g. bastard, son of a b-tch, sh-t, etc.
special and spontaneous language a group of people
e.g. LOL = laugh out loud, OMG = Oh my God, BRB = be right
back, gimme = give me, gotta = got to

Trite or an overused phrase that has been lost its meaning

Cliché and is no longer effective.
e.g. Don’t judge the book by its cover.
Laughter is the best medicine
Generalrefers to classes of unitse.g. college students, food, vehicle
Specificrefers to individual
e.g. college students – freshmen,
food – bread, vehicle – motorcycle

Concreterefers to things perceived by our senses

e.g. sight – dog, taste – steak, smell – flower, hearing –
whistling, touch - skin
Abstractideas and qualities perceived by our
senses e.g. noise, friendship, courage, anger
are considered English expressions
that have been given specific local
meaning and are used by a group or
community. Their meaning is
different from the commonly
accepted meaning.
Look up their meaning and compare them to what you
know or understand about them. Some of them may
not be found in dictionaries:

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