Power Resources

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Power Resources


Power Resources: Power resources are the sources of energy that
are used to generate electricity or fuel. They can be divided into two main
categories, renewable and non-renewable.

 Non-renewable power Renewable power resources:

resources: Non-renewable Renewable power resources
power resources are those are those that can be
that are finite and cannot be replenished naturally and can
replaced once they are used be used repeatedly. These
up. These resources include: resources include: Solar
power, Geothermal power,
Fossil fuels, Fossil fuels
Hydro power
Geothermal power

Geothermal power is generated by using

the heat from the earth's core to generate
electricity. It is heat energy from the earth
—Geo (earth) + thermal (heat).
Geothermal resources are reservoirs of
hot water that exist or are human made at
varying temperatures and depths below
the Earth's surface.
Q)How is energy generated through
GeoThermal Power?

 Geothermal power plants draw fluids from

underground reservoirs to the surface to produce
steam. This steam then drives turbines that
generate electricity. There are three main types of
geothermal power plant technologies: dry steam,
flash steam, and binary cycle.
Pakistan geothermal renewable energy potential
for electric power generation

 Pakistan is among the naturally gifted countries that are rich in

conventional and renewable energy resources. Despite the massive
potential of energy resources, Pakistan is still an energy deficient
country and have to import petroleum products to barely accomplish
its energy demand. GeoThermal Energy is still one of the
unexplored energy resources for electric power Generation in
Pakistan. Pakistan can overcome the energy shortage to a significant
level by harnessing renewable energy resources, such as, geothermal

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