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“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a


Stress Management and its
Relation with HR
Stress can have a debilitating impact on employees and workplace
productivity. Learn about stress management and how it can be applied in HR.
A pressure experience by a person in response to life
By SELYE (1956)

Process of adjusting to or dealing with

circumstances that disrupts or threaten to disrupt a
person physical or psychological functioning .

By SELYE (1976)
The Fundamentals of Stress Management

Relaxation Techniques Creating a Positive Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Mindful breathing, yoga, and A balanced diet, regular exercise,
other techniques can help reduce Positive reinforcement and and ample sleep can help
stress levels and boost morale in supportive leadership can help employees manage stress and
the workplace. build a culture of mindfulness avoid burnout.
and reduce workplace stress.
The Impact of Stress on HR
1 High Turnover
Stress can lead to employee burnout, health problems, and ultimately high
turnover rates.

2 Reduced Productivity
Stress can cripple an employee’s ability to focus and perform, ultimately leading
to reduced productivity.

3 Increased Absenteeism
Stress can lead to a variety of illnesses and chronic conditions that result in
increased absenteeism and reduced on-the-job performance.
The Relationship between Stress and HR
Prevention is Key Communication is Empathy is a Must
HR professionals can play a HR professionals must be
vital role in preventing Effective communication and able to understand and
workplace stress and open dialogue between HR empathize with the struggles
promoting employee well- professionals and employees of employees to provide
being through training, can help identify and address effective stress management
awareness campaigns, and workplace stressors before solutions and support
support programs. they become serious issues. strategies.
Common Sources of Stress in the Workplace

Workload and Job Interpersonal Conflict Lack of Control and

Demands Autonomy
Workplace conflict, tension, and
Heavy workloads, unrealistic difficult personalities can cause Feeling powerless,
deadlines, and job demands can significant stress and take a micromanaged, or unable to
quickly become stressors for significant toll on employee well- make decisions can cause
employees. being and productivity. employees significant stress,
anxiety, and frustration.
Strategies to Manage and Reduce Stress
among Employees
1 Provide Wellness Resources 2 Flexibility is Key
Make wellness resources available, Offering flexible work arrangements,
such as resources from Employee including work from home
Assistance Program, counseling opportunities and flexible time off
services, and wellness workshops. policies, can reduce stress and promote
Fitting in healthy habits, such as fitness work-life balance for employees.
classes, and social events can also help
promoting mental well-being and team

3 Encourage Time Off

Encouraging employees to take vacation time, periodic stress break, and sabbaticals can
prevent the burnout and stress of work overload.
Implementing Stress Management Programs
in HR Policies
1 Assessing the Workplace Culture
Conducting an assessment of the work environment can help identify sources of stress, address
employee concerns, and develop targeted stress management programs.

2 Implementing Stress Management Training

Offering stress management training or workshops for employees and HR professionals can
promote awareness, skill building, and replacement of negative habits and thought processes
with positive ones.

3 Creating an Employee Feedback System

Creating an employee feedback system with confidential reporting options can help employees
communicate concerns, provide feedback, and improve stress management efforts.
The Positive Effects of Effective Stress
Management on HR and the Organization as a
Improved Employee Increased Productivity Enhanced
Morale Recruitment and
Retention Efforts
Reduced stress levels and Reduction in stress-related
proactive stress management issues, including absenteeism, Reducing stress and promoting
efforts can significantly health problems, and employee well-being can
improve employee morale and workplace conflict, can lead to enhance recruitment and
job satisfaction. increased productivity and retention efforts by making the
efficiency over time. organization more attractive
and healthy work environment
for employees.

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