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Strategic Management Accounting

Group 13
Balanced scorecard

Increase revenue and WACC by

reducing cost

Increase of patients served and Shorten trial completion time

level of service. and increase quality

Invest in R&D to improve quality

as the employee education.
Balanced scorecard (in depth)
Perspective Objectives Measurement Iniatives

Financial Increase revenue Revenue Shorten trial completion time

Increase WACC WACC

Customer Increase patients served Number of patients served Acquire new partnerships

Increase level of service Number of adverse events R&D better quality

Business process Shorten trial completion time Time trial takes Increase in R&D

Increase quality Number of adverse events

Learning and growth Invest in R&D Budget invested in R&D Increase budget allocated to
Increase employee development Days of education
Proposed initiatives for strategy implementation
Carbon neutrality and energy efficiency: Set reachable targets to lower carbon emissions in
supply chain. To become carbon neutral, make investments in renewable energy sources,
energy-efficient technologies, and carbon offset programs.

Community outreach: Develop partnerships and initiatives that address community needs e.g.,
healthcare access for underserved populations, education, or environmental conservation. This
could improve the company's social impact and corporate citizenship.

Leadership commitment: Integrate sustainability into the company's mission and vision to
ensure top-level commitment. Create a task force or committee specifically focused on
sustainability to manage and direct activities.

Circular economy initiatives: Adopt a circular economy mindset by reducing waste production
and optimizing resource utilization. Investigate possibilities for recycling programs, product
reuse, or putting used product take-back programs into action.

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