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Inverted Pyramid Writing

A – Attention (Awareness): attract the

attention of the customer. Stand out!

I – Interest: raise customer interest by

demonstrating features, advantages, and

D – Desire: convince customers that they

want & desire the product or service &
that it will satisfy their needs.

A – Action: lead customers towards

taking a specific and measurable action.
Start content with the most important piece of information so
readers can get the main point, regardless of how much they
Why Inverted Pyramid
On any screen size Users don’t read carefully Online (Multitasking)

Inverted Pyramid helps because

• Users can quickly form a mental model
• Understand the main point of the page
• Encourages Scrolling
• Make Skip & scan is easy
• Filters low intent readers at the start
• Improves conversions
Writing Style
• In the first few sentences built up desired situation for Reader
- How will you feel when x thing happens

• In the second step Make reader look at their current situation and all
highlight some of the pain points and discomfort
- Things like, no time, busy life, struggle

• Then Position the article as the tool reader need to bridge the gap between
the two
• - Meditation is secret tool that can give you more time
Thank You

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