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NNM Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Discovery

 After initial discovery, opening NNM

takes a long time
– Could be a DNS problem
– Use checkDNS tool
C:> install_dir\support\checkDNS.ovpl –v

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Troubleshooting Discovery

 NNM Discovery found zero nodes

– Verify netmon is running – ovstatus –c
– Ensure network devices are responding to ping
and snmp requests – ping, snmpwalk/ snmpget
– Ensure that SNMP agent is installed and running
on the gateway device
– Use loadhosts for loading specific nodes
– Check if SNMP Emanate Master agent service /
snmpdm is running

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Troubleshooting Discovery

 All or most of the map is wrong

– Check if the subnet mask of key routers
is wrong

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Troubleshooting Discovery

 Whole IP networks are missing

– Check to see if there are routers which
are not accessible by SNMP
– Check if the management domain is

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Troubleshooting Discovery

 Router shows up as a host

– Check SNMP configuration of router
– Check if router has more than one
interface configured and IP Forwarding

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Troubleshooting Discovery

 Some routers are missing

– Check to see if missing routers are
‘backup’ routers
– If ‘backup’ router
 Manually add the router in the map
 Use Fault  Network Connectivity  Ping to get the status of
the router
 Use Fault  Network Connectivity  Poll Node to get the
information that netmon needs to place the device on map

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Troubleshooting Discovery

 An SNMP device shows up on the

map as a non-SNMP node
– Problem may be that all of netmon’s
SNMP requests to a node failed
– SNMP requests can fail if transport is
very busy, as SNMP runs over UDP
– Most likely reason is SNMP Community
string mismatch

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Troubleshooting Discovery

 A host shows up as a router

– Possible if the host has multiple interfaces and
IP Forwarding enabled
 IP Forwarding configuration (.
 Number of interfaces (.
– Check for the same sysObjectID using Find by
– If same behaviour exists for all the objects, edit
oid_to_type to use M parameter to designate the
device as a multi-homed host and not a router

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Troubleshooting Data warehouse

 Historical records – log files in \install_dir\logs

– embeddedDbconf.log
– externalDbconf.log
– ovdbcheck.log
– ovdwtrend.log, ovdwtopo.log etc.
 Run ovdbcheck to start/stop embedded
database to validate if it is working properly
 Backup all data, recreate an Empty database

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Troubleshooting backup

 Check for adequate file space

 Run as administrator
 Check for timeouts on
 Check for disk space errors

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