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DHM 2123
Lecture by: LALITA

CHAPTER 8: Settings in
health promotion
Types of healthy settings

A setting based approach has been implemented in

multiple areas such as:

1. Health City/Village approach

2. Health Promoting Schools Approach
3. Healthy Workplace Approach
4. Health Promoting Hospitals
5. Heath Promoting Universites
6. Heathy Aqing Approach
7. Health Promoting Correctional Centres (prisons)
Healthy City

Healthy Cities are arguably the best-known and largest

of the settings approaches.

A healthy city seeks to promote policies and action for

health and sustainable development, with an emphasis
on determinants of health.

A healthy city provides communities with a framework

for multi sectoral planning for health.
In essence, the healthy city is not just a place in which
health promoting activities take place but one in which
all sectors of society place a priority on improving health
and plan together.

In a coordinated way to meet community and population

health needs.
A Healthy City aims to:

 to create a health-supportive environment

 to achieve a good quality of life,

 to provide basic sanitation & hygiene needs,

 to supply access to health care

Healthy Village

Healthy village includes a community with low rates of

infectious diseases, access to basic healthcare services,
and a stable peaceful social environment.

Programmes attempt to foster a holistic approach to

health management through fostering communication
among community leaders and members.

Communication throughout the various social ranks of

the village and a village health plan are necessary
components of all programmes.
Health Promoting Schools

A Health-Promoting School views "health as physical,

social and emotional wellbeing. It strives to build health
into all aspects of life at school and in the community.

Characteristics of health promoting schools:

Fosters health and learning with all the measures.

Engages health and education officials, teachers,

teachers unions, students, parents, health providers and
community leaders in efforts to make the school a
healthy place.
Strives to provide a healthy environment, school health
education, and school health services along with school
community projects and outreach, social support and
mental health promotion.

Strives to improve the health of school personnel,

families and community members.
Healthy Workplaces

Workplace health promotion can be defined as the

combined efforts of employers, employees and society to
improve the health and well being of people at work.

This vision of workplace health promotion places

particular emphasis on improving the work organization
and working environment, increasing workers
participation in shaping the working environment, and
encouraging personal skills and professional
Workplace health promotion focuses on a number of
factors that may not be sufficiently covered in the
legislation and practice of occupational health
programmes, such as the organizational environment,
the promotion of healthy lifestyles, and non-
occupational factors in the general environment.

Non-occupational factors include family welfare, home

and commuting conditions, and community factors
which affect workers' health.

**Community factors the immediate physical and social surroundings of individuals and
households/families that either increase or decrease an individual's likelihood of experiencing
violence, exploitation or abuse before, during or after migrating.
Workplace health promotion supports a participatory
process to help promote a stronger implementation of
occupational and environmental health legislation.
Health Promoting Hospitals

A health promoting hospital (HPH) is defined as one that

'incorporates the concept of health promotion into its
organizational structure and culture.

The goal is to improve the quality of health care, the

relationship between the hospital and community, and
satisfaction of patients, staff and relatives,based on
health for all strategy.
A health promoting hospitals should:

Promote human dignity, equity and unity and

professional ethics, acknowledging differences in the
needs, values and culture of different population groups.

Be oriented toward quality improvement, the well-being

of patients, relatives and staffs and protection of

Focus on heath with a holistic approach and not only on

curative services.
Use resources efficiently and cost-effectively and allocate
resources on the basis of the contribution to health

Maintain close links as possible with other levels of the

health care system and community.
Thank you

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