Raman Spectros

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Raman Spectroscopy:

Seeing the Unseen

Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique that allows us to identify the
molecular structure and chemical composition of a substance. By detecting the
scattered light from a sample, we can unlock a world of hidden information.

SS by Sreyansu Satpathy
Basic Principles
Frequency Shift

Some of the scattered light undergoes a change in frequency, which

is proportional to the vibrational modes of the sample.

1 2 3

Scattering Detection

A laser beam is directed at a sample, causing its molecules to scatter A spectrometer analyzes the scattered light and plots a Raman
the light in different directions. spectrum, which reveals information about the sample.

Raman Microscope Benchtop Spectrometer

A microscope equipped with a Raman spectrometer, allowing for A standalone instrument that can be used for quantitative and qualitative
spatially resolved spectroscopy. analysis of samples in a variety of forms.
1 Pharmaceuticals

Raman spectroscopy can be used for drug analysis, quality control, and counterfeit

2 Materials Science

Raman spectroscopy is used to characterize materials such as graphene, nanotubes,

and polymers.

3 Forensics

Raman spectroscopy can help identify trace evidence such as fibers, drugs, and

4 Biomedical

Raman spectroscopy has potential for diagnosing diseases and tracking drug
delivery in vivo.
Multi-dimensional Raman spectroscopy Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)

Allows for the simultaneous collection of different spectra that Increases the sensitivity of Raman spectroscopy by orders of
provide more detailed information. magnitude, by using metallic nanostructures to enhance the Raman
Advantages and Limitations
Advantages Limitations
• Non-destructive • Some sample types are difficult to analyze
• Requires minimal or no sample preparation • Signal can be weak for low-concentration samples
• Can be performed in situ or in vivo • Fluorescence can interfere with measurements
Raman spectroscopy is a powerful tool for understanding the molecular world around
us. Its applications are varied and wide-ranging, and advancements continue to push
the boundaries of its capabilities. With its many advantages and few limitations, it
promises to remain a valuable technique for years to come.

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