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Types of Threats Posed by AI

1 Job Automation

Discuss the potential impact of AI on employment and the need for job reskilling and

2 Cybersecurity Risks

Examine the vulnerabilities and threats associated with AI in terms of data privacy, hacking,
and AI-enabled cyberattacks.

3 Weaponization of AI

Highlight the ethical and security concerns when AI technologies are utilized in military
Ethical Concerns with AI
1 Bias and Discrimination

Address the issues of bias in AI algorithms and potential discrimination in decision-making


2 Privacy and Surveillance

Discuss the ethical implications of AI-powered surveillance systems and the need for
responsible data usage.

3 Autonomous Weapons

Explore the moral implications when AI systems are given the power to make life or death
decisions in military contexts.
Examples of Unintended Consequences

Self-Driving Cars Automation in Industries Social Media and

Examine the ethical dilemmas Show how AI-driven automation
arising from self-driving car can lead to job displacement and Investigate the role of AI
accidents and the responsibility of economic inequality if not algorithms in the spread of fake
AI in making split-second properly managed. news and its impact on public
decisions. opinion and democratic processes.
Strategies for Mitigating AI Risks
1 Ethical AI Frameworks

Explore the importance of developing ethical guidelines and regulations to govern AI

development and deployment.

2 Transparency and Explainability

Discuss the need for transparency in AI systems to understand how decisions are
made and prevent biases.

3 Educating and Involving Society

Highlight the significance of educating the public about AI, promoting public
discourse, and involving diverse voices in decision-making processes.

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