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De-stressing with or

without rail tensor and rail

L P Srivastava
Assistant Professor Track-IRICEN
Why destressing
•It is done to release all the
locked up stresses in LWR
occurred during various stages
of maintenance.
Destressing temp.
• tm to tm + 5oC
• Rationale behind choosing this temp.
• Repercussions:
1. If BL is more.
2. If SEJ gap closes in summer.
3. If SEJ gap more in winter.
Conditions of destressing
•When the gaps at SEJ crosses the
permissible range.
•Any special maintenance operations
taken up.
•Following an unusual.
•Number of temporary repairs carried
out exceeds three per km.
Destressing without rail tensor
•Temperature should be available in the
range of td.
•Destressing is done under traffic block.
•SR 30 kmph should be imposed for the
preliminary arrangements.
Sequence of operations
A) Pre-block activities:
•Mark center of the LWR.
•Remove all the impediments.
•4 nos. of closure rails to be created at the ends
of LWR.
•50% of fittings be loosened under 30 kmph SR.
B) Block activities:
•Remove the closure rails.
•Adjust SEJs for standard 40 mm gap at td.
•Remove fittings starting from the ends
towards centre.
•Lift the rails from rail seat and support on
rollers at every fifteenth sleeper.
•LWR in curves should be provided by
side rollers for lateral support on inside
of curve and on outside of curve.
•Tap rails with wooden mallet to remove
any built-up stresses and subsequently
lower on the rail seat.
•Drive the fittings starting from the
middle towards the ends.
•Weld the closure rails.
Destressing with rail tensor
When the prescribed temp. range is not available.


Tensile stresses in the rails are created to completely balance

the compressive stresses when the temp. rises from tp to tn.
LWR is made stress free at tp by removing the fastenings and
subsequently tensile stresses are created by pulling to a
calculated amount.
A) First traffic block.

• During first traffic block create 1 metre gap at ‘B’ i.e. centre
of LWR. Introduce required rail closure and fasten with
special plates and clamps. Allow traffic at restricted speed.
• Mark the anchor lengths A1A2 and C1C2.
• Erect marker pillars at W0,W1,..... etc. on each of the length
A2B & C2B and transfer the mark W0 onto the rail foot.
• Distances W0,W1, W1W2 etc. May be measured as 100 m
B) Second traffic block.
When tp is less than the desired to.
• Remove the closure rail, unfasten and mount on rollers
• Side supports should also be provided in case of curves.
• Fix the rail tensor at ‘B’, apply tension to obtain some movement at W0,
release the tension and note the movement Y0 at WO.
• Transfer marks W1, W2,…… onto the rail foot and note temperature tP.
• Calculate the required movement at W1 as:-
W1 = Y0 + elongation of length W0W1 due to (to –tp)
• W2 = movement at W1 + elongation of length W1W2 due to (to –tp)
• Similarly, calculate the movements of the remaining points.
• Mark the calculated extensions with respect to the transferred marks
on the rail foot.
• Apply the tension and match the extension mark at W1, fasten the
length W0W1.
• Match the extension mark at W2, fasten the length W1W2.
• Match the remaining extension marks and fasten down the segments.
1. Only one value of tP is to be taken.
• After fastening down lengths from A2B and C2B, make a paint mark at
the free end of one rail at a distance of (‘X’ m + 2 X 25 mm -1 mm).
• Remove the tensor, close the 1 m gap temporarily and allow traffic
with SR.
During subsequent blocks
• Cut the rail at the paint mark.
• Insert the ‘X’ length closure.
• If the gap at other end is also 25 mm weld it in the same block otherwise tie with
special fishplates and clamps and allow traffic.
• During a subsequent block, when tP is less than tO remove the fastenings of either side
to the required extent of about 50 to 75 m and pull the rails to get the desired gap,
refasten the rails and weld the joint. Tensor should be released after a lapse of 30
minutes after pouring of the weld metal.
• During a subsequent block, when tP is less than tO equalize the forces by tapping 125 m
lengths on either sides.
• During a subsequent block, when tP is within the range of td distress the end 125 m
from SEJ, set the SEJ and do the necessary welding.
Rectification of fracture in LWR
• Fractures are attended as follows-
1. Emergency repairs
2. Temporary repairs
3. Permanent repair
4. De-stressing
Thank you

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