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Saving Energy with

Recycling: I CAN!
通过循环利用节约能源 : 我能做到 !


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What do these items have in common?
这些项目有什么共同之处 ?

2 Engage
What does it mean to recycle?
回收有什么意义 ?
What materials can be recycled?
什么材料可以回收 ?

3 Engage
What do you do with your beverage cans?
你怎么处理你的饮料罐 ?
Beverage cans are commonly recycled.

What element is used to

make this beverage can?
是用什么元素做的 ?

Aluminum 铝
4 Engage
True or False?

Aluminum is very rare. 铝很稀有

False! 错
Aluminum is the third most common
element in the Earth’s crust, but it
does not exist on its own. It must be
extracted from bauxite ore.
5 Engage
How old are aluminum cans?
铝罐有多长时间了 ?

Aluminum or Gold? 铝还是金 ?

When aluminum was first discovered in
1825, it was more expensive than gold and
当铝在 1825 年首次被发现时,它比金和银
还贵 !
Today, modern advances in aluminum
production have enabled aluminum to
be much more cost-efficient.
6 Engage
The strength of aluminum 铝的优势
How much weight can four six-packs of cans
四个六罐装罐头能承受多大重量 ?
Aluminum cans are VERY strong. Four six-
packs of cans can support the weight of a
4,000 pound car. This is incredible
considering the side of each can is only as
thick as a human hair.
4000 磅重的汽车。考虑到每个罐子的侧面只有

7 Engage
Around the Earth 环绕地球

About 100 billion aluminum cans are made in the U.S. each
year. What happens to most of them? 美国每年大约生产 1000 亿
个铝罐。他们中的大多数怎么样了 ?
Americans throw away approximately 100 million cans
(100,000,000) each year! If you laid this many cans end-to-end,
the line would... 美国人每年大约扔掉 1 亿罐 (1 亿 )! 如果你把这么
• wrap around 1/3 of Earth’s circumference
• go back and forth across the U.S. one and a half
times, with cans to spare
• reach the center of Earth and back
• 绕地球周长的三分之一
• 绕美国来回一圈半,
• 罐头可以到达地球中心并返回
8 Engage
What Happens When We Don’t Recycle?

9 Explore
Why is it important to recycle aluminum cans?
为什么回收铝罐很重要 ?

Recycling: 回收
1. Reduces waste in landfills 减少堆填区的
2. Conserves natural resources 保护自然资

3. Reduces energy use 减少能源消耗
How does recycling cans achieve
these goals? 回收易拉罐是如何实
现这些目标的 ?
10 Explore
Life cycle of a can 罐子的循环周期

The manufacturing process describes

how aluminum cans are made. 制造过程

Try to put the steps of the manufacturing

process in the correct order, from the time
that the aluminum comes out of the
ground, until you drink the beverage. 试着

11 Explain
Step 1: Bauxite mining 第一步 : 铝土矿开采

Bauxite ore (which contains aluminum)

is mined from the ground in places like
Brazil, Jamaica, China, and India.
铝土矿 ( 含铝 ) 在巴西、牙买加、中国和
Bauxite mining uses less than 1 unit
of the energy needed to make one can.

12 Explain
Step 2: Alumina refining 第二步 : 氧化铝精炼

The refining process removes

impurities from the bauxite. This leaves
behind a fine white powder made of
aluminum and oxygen. The powder is
called alumina. 精炼过程除去铝土矿中
Alumina refining uses about 15 units of
the energy needed to make one can. 氧
化铝精炼需要大约 15 个单位的能量来
13 Explain
Step 3: Aluminum smelting 第三步:铝冶炼

An electric current zaps the alumina,

which separates the aluminum from the
oxygen. The aluminum melts into a
bubbly liquid that looks like silver lava.
Alumina smelting uses 70 units of the
energy needed to make one can.
氧化铝冶炼需要 70 个单位的能量才能制
14 Explain
Step 4: Ingot casting 第 4 布:扁锭铸造

The molten aluminum flows into molds

and is sprayed with water to cool it
down. As it cools, it hardens into a solid.
This solid block is called a ingot.
Ingot casting uses less than 1 unit of the
energy needed to make one can.
的 1 个单位。
15 Explain
Step 5: Sheet production 第 5 步:板材生产

Aluminum ingots are heated and passed

through a series of rollers. A long, thin
sheet is produced and coiled.
Sheet production uses 5 units of the
energy needed to make one can.
薄板生产需要 5 个单位的能量来制造一

16 Explain
Step 6: Can-making 第 6 步:制罐

Cans are trimmed, printed, and

cleaned. Then, they are filled with the
beverage and sealed. 罐被修剪、印刷
Can making uses 10 units of the
energy needed to make one can.
制造一个罐需要 10 个单位的能量。

17 Explain
Step 7: To the consumer! 第 7 步:到消费者

Which part of the manufacturing

process used the most energy?
制造过程中哪一部分消耗的能源最多 ?
What happens to the can once the
consumer drinks the beverage?
消费者喝下饮料后,易拉罐会发生什么 ?

18 Explain
To the trash 到垃圾桶

A can that goes into the trash will

disappear into a landfill. If you need a
new can, you will have to start from the
beginning, with bauxite mining.
How much energy is required to make a
new can from new materials?
19 Explain
Step 8: RECYCLE! 第 8 步:回收

How can we save energy by Recycling?

我们如何透过循环再造节省能源 ?
How do we recycle? 我们如何回收?
• Cans are collected, compressed, and sent to a recycling plant.
• At the plant, they are shredded and melted, and start the cycle
• What happens next?
• 易拉罐被收集、压缩,然后送到回收厂。
• 在工厂,它们被切碎和熔化,并在铸锭铸造开始循
• 接下来会发生什么 ?

20 Explain
Step 8: RECYCLE! 第 8 步:回收

What CAN happen in 60 days?

• A used aluminum can is recycled,
remade, refilled, and returned to the
store shelf!
• 60 天内会发生什么 ?
• 一个用过的铝罐被回收,重新制作,重新
填充,然后回到商店的货架上 !

21 Explain
Recycle: Saving energy 回收:节约能源

Which steps of the manufacturing process did you

skip because you recycled and started at ingot
How much energy did you use to go through the
rest of the process?
在接下来的过程中你消耗了多少能量 ?
How much energy did you save by recycling
your can?
通过回收你的易拉罐,你节省了多少能源 ?
22 Explain
I Can! 我可以!

I, ___________________________________, pledge to help the environment by recycling at least once

a day.
我 , ___________________________________, 承诺帮助环境 , 回收至少一天一次。

• When I recycle, I help reduce waste in landfills because….

• When I recycle, I help conserve natural resources because….
• When I recycle, I help reduce energy use because….
• 当我回收,我帮助减少垃圾填埋场因为 ....
• 当我回收时,我帮助保护自然资源,因为 ....
• 当我回收时,我帮助减少了能源的使用,因为 ....
In taking this action, I am doing my part to have a positive impact on the environment and the world.

__________________________________ _________________
Signature 签名Date 日期
23 Evaluate

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