Protein Group C Presentation

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Group members
Ranjan Kumar Yadav(Group leader)
Aarati sah .
Shrijana ram .
Bhagrit sah kanu .
Shanti limbu .
Topics of our presentation:
 Protein deficiency meaning and disease.
 Daily requirement of protein.
 Supplementary action of protein.

 Proteins is a vital nutrients essential for the growth repairs

and maintenance of the body.
 Its play's fundamental role in building block of the body
important that you get enough proteins in your diets
 Its is found In wide range of food and its important that
you gets enough protein in your diets everyday.
 Its cannot be store in the body ,its daily requirements is
 Protein deficiency is when people don't get adequate amount of protein
from their diet.
 An estimated one billion people world wide suffer from inadequate
protein intake.
 The problem is specially serve in central Africa and south asia where upto
30% of children get too little protein from their diet.
 Certain people in developed countries also at risk this include people who
follow an imbalanced diet as well as institutionalized older people and
hospitalized patients.
 The most severe form of protein deficiency is known as kwashiorkor.

 Protein energy malnutrition(PEM) or

protein calorie malnutrition(PCM) has
been identified as not only an important
cause of children morbidity and
 PEM is also referred to as protein calorie
 The term PEM applies to a group of
related disorder that include marasmus
and kwashiorkor.

 Kwashiorkor:
1. It is caused by the deficiency of
protein in diet.
2. It is the most severe form of
protein deficiency, and it is most
seen in children in developing
country like as Nepal .
3. The main feature are growth
failure,edema,diarrhoea ,anemia
and changes in skin hair.

 It is caused by severe deficiency of

both protein and calories in the diet.
 That is characterized by growth
failure ,loss of fat ,sign of
dehydration and mental change.
 A deficiency can also arises if a person
as a health condition such as:
 An eating disorder: eg; anorexia(loss
of appetite).
 The later stage of cancer
 Deficulty absorbing nutrient due
irritabale bowel syndrome(IBS) or
gastric bypas surgery.

 Infection like diarrhea ,measles ,raspiratory infection

and intestinal worms.
 Poor environmental sanitation.
 Large family size.
 Poor maternal health.
 Failure of lactation.
 Premature termination of breast feeding.
Very low protein intake can lead to:

 Weak muscles.
 Fatigue.
 Irritation.
 edema
Edema is the collection of fluid into the interstitial space
 Thin hair.
 Skin problem.
 In adult muscles mass is lost.
 Increased severity of infection.
 Weak immune system.

According to the dietary reference intake report for macro

nutrients a sedentary adults should consume 0.8 gm of proteins per
kilograms of the body weights.
0.6 gm per pounds that’s means that the average sedentary main
should eat about 56gm of protein per day and the average women
should eat about 46gm.
 Since protein cannot be store in the body its daily requirements is essential.
 Anywhere from 10% to 35% of your
calories should come from proteins.
So if your needs are 2,000 calories that’s 200 -700
calories from protein or 50 -175 grams .
The recommended dietary allowance to prevent
deficiency of an average to sedentary adults 0.8 gram
per kilogram of body weight .
The daily requirement of protein is 1g per kg body weight for
adults .
It is more for growing children during
pregnency ,during lactation ,during infection stress and
during recovery from diseases
 adult male and females : 1gm/kg/day.
 Pregnancy : additional 23gm/day.
 lactation: (0-6month): additional 9gm/day.
 (7-12 months ): additional 13gm/day.
 infant: 1.5 – 1.7 gm/kg/day.
 Children (1-9) years:1.1 -1.3gm/kg/day.
 Adolescent male (10-18 years):1.1 to1.2 gm/kg/day.
 Adolescent female (10-18 years) :1.06 -1.15 gm/kg/day.
 The daily protein requirement of a normal people is
differenmt than an atheletics,body builder or sports .

 Protein intake depend upon two factor

 1:your body weight.
 2: your goal/life style.
 Protein is a nutrient that is essential for our body .
How we can take daily
requirement of protein in our body.

 We can take a daily requirement of protein in our body by different

method and different situation .
 1st situation: normal and healthy life style.
 People can spent their life style in normal healthy way then their daily
protein intake is (.80)gm/kg of the body weight. For example :A 70 kg
person daily protein intake is 70*(.8)=56gm protein intake continue.


 For active life style .

 Some eg of active life style
person like as sport person,body
builder,running and work
out(gym). Required 1.4 gm per
kg of body weight eg :For 70kg
of persons daily protein intake is
70*1.4= 98gm.

3rd category
 In this category people include like (power
lifting ,strength,exercise,or making muscle.
 Their daily requirement of protein is 2gm of protein per
kg of body weight .
eg : for a 30 gm person daily intake protein is

 Some protein food are :

 Lean meats –beef ,veal,pork,kangaroo.
 Poultry- chicken,duck,goosebush.
 fish and sea food – fish ,prawns,crab,lob mussels,clams.
 Egg.
 Dairy product – milk chees.

 You need protein for your muscles bones and the rest of
your body exactly how much you need changeg with
 Babies need about 10gm/day.
 School kids nees 19-34gm/day.
 Teenage boys need up to 52gm/day.
 Teen age girls need 46 gm /day.
 Adult man need about 56gm /day.
supplementary action of protein

Supplants means something's added to something's else or addition,extra ,added


Pulses are rich in proteins but are deficient in Sulphur containing amino-acids like
methionine and cysteine.
Cereals are deficient in amino –acids lysine.

When cereals and pulses are taken together they have a synergistic effects as the
limiting amino-acids of one is provided by the other.
This property is known as supplementary action of

Some foods combination based on supplementary action of protein such as

penuts,butters,sandswhich,rice and beans.
Some supplemenatary actions
of protien are given below:
 Muscle development and strength:
• Proteins provide the necessary building blocks for muscle
• They support muscle growth, repair, and maintenance, making
them crucial for athletes and individuals involved in physical
 Weight management and satiety:
• The thermic effect of protein-rich foods is greater, requiring
more energy for metabolism and digestion.
• This may increase metabolic rate and help with weight
• Furthermore, proteins increase feelings of satiety and suppress
hunger, which help people consume fewer calories and better
manage their food cravings
 Blood sugar regulation:
• The breakdown and absorption of glucose are slowed when proteins are consumed with
carbohydrates, causing a more gradual release of sugar into the bloodstream.
• This prevents abrupt spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels and helps keep them stable.
• For those who have diabetes or are at risk of developing it, proper blood sugar regulation
is crucial.

 Immune function:
• In particular, antibodies are proteins that are essential to the immune
• The body is defended against infections and disorders by antibodies, which
assist recognize and neutralize foreign chemicals.
• A healthy protein intake helps the body's defenses by promoting a robust
immunological response.
 Wound healing and tissue repair:
• Collagen is a structural protein that promotes tissue repair
and wound healing, and its synthesis requires proteins.
• Consuming enough protein speeds up the regeneration of
injured tissues and encourages the growth of new blood
vessels, aiding in the healing process.
Any queries

Thank you
your patience.

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