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Applies coping skills in dealing

with health concerns during
a. Height and weight measurement
b. Vision testing
c. Hearing test
d. Dental examination
e. Medical examination
f. Self-breast examination
g. Scoliosis test
What is/are some health concerns you
have experienced now that you are
adolescents? How you dealt with
Adolescents experience and face a lot of
changes and challenges as they transition from
being children to young adults. They have to
deal and cope with these changes and
challenges that include the health concerns
they go through in terms of physical, mental,
emotional, social, as well as their moral-
spiritual aspects in life.
means the way a person thinks and acts
during challenging situations in life.
When a person is coping, he/she applies
coping strategies to deal with changes,
stress, problems and challenges that come
his/her way.
Coping Skills
are also called coping strategies or coping
mechanism. These are the techniques, methods,
actions, behaviors, thoughts and emotions that
one uses to handle and to face the changes and
challenges in one’s life. They are helpful in
dealing with stress, anxiety and overwhelming
Healthy Coping Skills or
• Solving the problem
• Engaging in physical activities
• Communicating
• Seeking help or support
• Finding humor in the situation
• Relaxing activities
• Being positive or optimistic
• Making a list of things to do
• Writing feelings and thoughts in a journal
• Praying or going to church
Healthy Coping Skills or

Solving the problem It is better at times to go directly to the root of the

problem. Find out the reason why the problem exists and how to solve
it. Deal with it effectively.

Engaging in physical activities. Teenagers often do exercises, play sports

like basketball or simply take a walk when they become overwhelmed with
stressful situations.
Healthy Coping Skills or

Communicating - Be open. Talk about the situation with family or with

friends. Talking about how you feel, what you think helps a lot in giving
you a better view of the situation and can help you feel better.

Seeking help or support - When one cannot solve a problem or face a challenge
by himself, he can always ask help from family members or friends. Their moral
support, suggestions and opinions may help in solving the problem.
Healthy Coping Skills or
Finding humor in the situation Some people usually joke about
the problem or concern. They do not take it too seriously.

Relaxing activities Deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation are

some relaxing activities. Simply listening to calming music can
help one relax to relieve stress
Healthy Coping Skills or
Being positive or optimistic Always have this attitude of
positivity. Everything will work out and the problem or concern
will be taken cared of eventually.

Making a list of things to do To avoid being stress from too much

workload and assignments, making a list of things to do for the day
will help
Healthy Coping Skills or
Writing feelings and thoughts in a journal Writing about the
problem, what one feels and thinks about the situation will help
in dealing with stress and anxiety.

Praying or going to church Imploring for divine intervention or

seeking guidance and help from God
Unhealthy Coping
• Blaming oneself or others
• Avoiding the issue
• Resort to violent and aggressive behavior
• Unhealthy habits
• Harm oneself or show risky and reckless
Unhealthy Coping Skills or

Blaming oneself or others Some people tend to blame

themselves or other people why certain situation happened.

Avoiding the issue When a situation or problem becomes

overwhelming for the person, avoiding the issue is the way
to deal with it. He/she does not want to talk about it or does
not want to face it.
Unhealthy Coping Skills or

Resort to violent and aggressive behavior Throwing things,

punching the wall or someone, hurting other people are just
some examples of such behavior.

Unhealthy habits Some people would eat too much or too

little, smoke cigarettes or tobacco and drink alcohol when
face with problems or stressful situations
Unhealthy Coping Skills or

Harm oneself or show risky and reckless behavior

Examples of this are driving too fast, hurt oneself,
get involve with prohibited drugs, get into fights.

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