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Hi third grade

welcome back to


How do plantsLets
growrecap what
we learned this
Lets see all together how do plats grow

And what they need to grow

So they need
Water sunlight and some space

Your turn
Open to page 69 on your science textbook
1, what do plants need to grow and to have a baby
1, what do plants need to grow a baby

So,they need sunlight air water space to

grow .
2, what animal let plants dye ?
2, what animal let a plant dye ?
lion , it let plant dye because it have sharp teeth and also people will be scared about him.
On your text book draw how do the lion let a plant dye
When you are done lets do all together a brain breck
So when you are done lets do an activety

All together
Center one on the ladder write how plant grow 5 words
Center two hide 2 words in the house with our vocabulary word
Center 3 write an word in science and write it down on the nife
Lets see this video lets have fun in this video
Do a plant dye
Do a plant sleep
Do a plant drink
Bye third grade

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