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Subsystems of the

Directions: Analyze the
given illustration and
answer the following
questions briefly.
1.What are the components
the terrarium?
2. What are the functions
of each component in the
terrarium that enable life
to sustain on it?
What's In
In a glass terrarium, moisture
evaporates from both the soil and
the leaves of plants due to the heat
generated from sunlight. It then
collects and condenses on the roof
and/or walls of the display. The
condensation falls back to the soil,
mimicking the natural rainfall cycle
that provides moisture to all living
creatures on our planet.
1. Atmosphere serves as
the Earth’s blanket. It is
composed of gases in
varying amount and its
relative abundance is also
crucial indifferent parts of
the earth.
2. Geosphere comes
from the Greek word
geos meaning ground. It
pertains to the solid part
of the earth.
3. Hydrosphere is
composed of all the
water on Earth in any
form. This can either be
in a form of water vapor
and liquid water.
4. Biosphere .It
composed of all
living things.
5. Directions: Identify
the numbered figure
below and give the
correct subsystem it
B. Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if the
statement is false.
_________1. Earth is a multi-part system of interrelating
physical, chemical and
biological processes.
_________2. Atmosphere serves as the solid part of the Earth.
_________3. Biosphere is considered as the life zone of the
_________4. Earth is a dynamic entity with various separate
but highly interrelating
_________5. Hydrosphere includes all water on the Earth’s
surface only.
_________6. Earth can sustain and flourish life form
due to its components.
_________7. Matter and energy flows and cycle
between the two subsystems to sustain and make life
on Earth possible.
_________8. Changes in any sphere greatly affects the
other spheres.
_________9. Any disturbance and interference in the
flow of the matter and energy does not affect any of
the subsystems.
_________10. Both the biotic and abiotic components
of the earth interact with each other in the biosphere.
Carbon stored in biosphere within the plants,
atmosphere- CO2 hydrosphere- dissolves CO2
in ocean geosphere- coal and oil deposits.
Burning of fossil fuels increasing the amount
of C02 in the atmosphere by releasing C .The right
amount of C02 in the atmosphere helps regulate
temperature range that is conducive to life.
However, too much C02 in the atmosphere may
lead to warmer temperatures, Which may
eventually lead to global warming and subsequent
climate change.

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