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Recount text is
A text that tells a story of an action or activy in
the past time. Usually tells about someone

1. To entertain the reader so that there

are no conflicts in the text.
2. To provide information on reading.

1. Orientation
Tells about background information about
who, where, when events and events occur.

2. Events
Tells a series of events that occur in
chronological order.

3. Re – orientation
Closing or conclusion to the story to close
a story, we can give our opinion about the story.

1. Use past tense

: i went there with dilla and rafael
2. Use adverb or adverbial phrases
to express to the time and place
: last september, pari island, on then second
day …

3. Use conjuctions and time

connectives to sort events such as :before,
then, after that …
: then we bike before going to lunch.
1. Orientation : Last week i was with my friend watching a
movie at the nearest cinema. I had one free ticket and i thought to give
it to my friend. So that i would not watch the film alone.

2. Events : After meeting at the mall then we took out the ticket
and handed it to the information department. After that, we went into
the cinema and watched.

3. Re – orientation : After watching the film to the end,

we both walked around the mall for a while to buy a novel book and
went home very happy.

Our trip to the Merapi Mountain

1. Orientation
On Friday we went to the Bromo Mountains. We stayed at Paijo and
Tuti’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colorful flowers and a
tennis court.
2. Events
On Saturday we saw the Three Sisters and went on the scenic railway.
It was scary. Then, Mummy and I went shopping with Tuti. We went to
some antique shops and I tried on some old hats.
On Sunday we went on the Scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw
cockatoos having a shower.
3. Reorientation
In the afternoon we went home..

Astika Pribadi
January 7th 2022

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