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the endocrine system

uses chemical signaling

(hormones, produced
by glands) while the
nervous system uses
electrical signaling
(neural impulses).
Your pineal gland, also called the
pineal body or epiphysis cerebri, is a
tiny gland in your brain that's located
beneath the back part of the corpus
callosum. It's a part of your
endocrine system and secretes the
hormone melatonin.
Your thalamus is your body's information
relay station. All information from your
body's senses (except smell) must be
processed through your thalamus before
being sent to your brain's cerebral cortex for
interpretation. Your thalamus also plays a role
in sleep, wakefulness, consciousness, learning
and memory.
the beginnings of romantic love
are associated with the stress
response triggered by your
acromegaly, Cushing's syndrome,
diabetes insipidus, empty sella
syndrome, hypopituitarism and
pituitary tumor
Thyroid disorders can affect
heart rate, mood, energy level,
metabolism, bone health,
pregnancy and many other
a firm and resilient structure,
composed entirely of hyaline
cartilage, which serves to
protect and support the vocal
Your thyroid is an important
endocrine gland that makes and
releases certain hormones. Your
thyroid's main job is to control
your metabolism — how your
body uses energy. Sometimes,
your thyroid doesn't work
properly. These conditions are
common and treatable .
produce parathyroid
hormone, which plays a key
role in the regulation of
calcium levels in the blood
The trachea, commonly called the
windpipe, is the main airway to the
lungs. It divides into the right and
left bronchi at the level of the fifth
thoracic vertebra, channeling air to
the right or left lung
Adrenal glands, also known
as suprarenal glands,
are small, triangular-shaped
glands located on top of both
kidneys. Adrenal glands
produce hormones that help
regulate your metabolism,
immune system, blood
pressure, response to stress
and other essential functions.
The exocrine pancreas
produces enzymes that help to
digest food, particularly
protein. The endocrine
pancreas makes the hormone
insulin, which helps to control
blood sugar levels.
produce and release eggs (oocytes)
into the female reproductive tract at
the mid-point of each menstrual
2 small organs that are found
inside the scrotum. The
testes are responsible for
making sperm and are also
involved in producing a
hormone called testosterone.

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