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Oakwood city

English project

Name: Moaz Mohamed, Moustafa

Summary of the city
• So firstly, the city will be medium sized, with no near pollution near to
the residential area, it will have transportation from all the kinds, metro
station that will lead to the most important places a citizen needs from
malls to stores, tubes for car traffic, and airports that are far away but
connected to the metro system, to avoid noise pollution.
Summary of the city 2
• One of the most convincing reasons to live in Oakwood City is that
there will not be overpopulation, and if that happens, we are ready to
present new residential areas for more comfortability. Secondly, Oak
Wood City will be almost dependent on the renewable energy, like solar
energy, which will be the most compatible way to get electricity enough
to handle the population, considering that Oak Wood City will be in the
middle east, which is one of the hottest areas to live in
Firstly: Tourist Attractions
• One of the main Reason to visit Oak Wood City, it will have a large
coastline leaning on the Arabian gulf, this city will hold a LOT of world
records, including the world largest pool, and the world largest mall.
Secondly: Infrastructure
1. The infrastructure of this city will rely on modern attractions, like the
world's largest mall, including the most expensive brands, like Gucci,
Luis Vuitton and more, it will be a serious place to spend your money
on, Secondly, it will have the most luxury or normal residential
building, houses, fitting all the grades of financial status.
Secondly: Infrastructure
• It will have the world's tallest building, called as The Central Tower, In
the Central Downtown of Oak Wood city, The tower will consist of 2
buildings, connected by a bridge at the third quarter of the tower, for
insane views that you will never see in your life. The watch tower will
consist of a cuboid leaning down into the downtown of the Oak Wood
City, with breathtaking views of the whole city.
Thirdly: Safety, wages and job

• In Oak Wood City, job opportunities

will be everywhere! From all the kinds
and salaries, depending on your
preference, with any amount of years of
Thirdly: Safety, Wages
and job opportunities

• Here in Oak Wood City, Safety is our priority, for

each 5 square kilometer, we have the following: fire
stations, police stations, and clinics that have
everything you need for an emergency situation,
further away there will be hospitals, for serious
situations, it will have everything a long term patient
needs: a room, mental training, gyms, and parks to
boost the workers and the patients, who might have
mental problems, or more.
Fourthly: The • Some places in Oak wood City would be very
hot, considering that Oak Wood city is in the
middle east region, but do not worry, we got
weather you! The city will be filled with a highly new
technology, called weather bubbles, we have
spent loads of money experimenting this new
technology, it will be basically a series of
bubbles that will have sensors that can sense
the weather temperature of the surrounding
and adapt to the most pleasing weather the
city will be comfortable with, for example: if
the weather is 3 degrees Celsius, the weather
bubbles will burst a weather of 25 and vice
versa. This technology will be hosted in even
malls and every part of the city.
Fifthly: The • We aim for Oak wood
City to be one of the
most financially well
district cities in the world,
including massive
headquarters to join us in
this city, like apple,
amazon, google so we
can get ready for any
financial close-down.
Sixthly: The hexagon port

• The Hexagon Port will be leaning into

the Arabian Gulf, getting one of the
most highly rated ports to get the goods
sold in, that’s why our city has such a
shocking financial upgrade in being on
the most easy cities to live in.
Seventhly: No Pollution

• Most of our power supplies will work

on solar panels, our city only allows
electric cars, but if they were
expensive? No problem! We have
lowered the price of all electric cars by
40%, now that’s a deal! And charging
stations for cars every 1km, to please
every citizen who has a car.
Eighthly: Dining and Hospitality
• As a Middle Eastern city, our hospitality is among the other countries,
our dining is also really great, with loads of types of mouthwatering
recipes, and we also accept your foods, we all love food from outer
countries, and we all like to share our and your foods as a happy and
live community.
Ninthly: Green Spaces
• In oak wood city, we are aiming to build a medium sized park for every
neighborhood, this park will have walks, play spaces for kids and for
every 5km we have a football and basketball field, for anyone to play,
from any age.
• Oak wood city is a city of one kind, you have everything in your hands,
and we make it easier for you, so why don’t have fun in one of the most
intense and fun and economically skyrocketing cities? And have a
living that will you never get bored of, come visit Oak Wood!
Thank you!

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