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But are true

◦ Yes!
The Bitter Truth
◦ Before other Indian over-emotional jingoists start cluttering the comments section with hate comments, I’d like to clarify that I am an Indian myself.
◦ But I hate the society. Absolutely obsessed with religion and caste. Young boys, instead of being passionate towards subjects and knowledge, are obsessed
about girls. I don’t know what Indian girls are obsessed with; I stay away from them being a male myself and I hardly interact with them. I don’t want to
get into stupid relationships.
◦ I flare up in rage when I see these idiot young men proudly announcing their breakup stories and friendzone/brozone stories. Who cares, duffos? Life is
much more than that.
◦ And I hate the way this stupid population thinks. They don’t really want politicians to develop the country. They only want politicians who can appease
them. These people are small-minded fools!
Then comes the absolute worship of celebrities. Do my fellow Indians have an inferiority complex? Then I have a superiority complex! I am superior
because I don’t bend in front of celebrities. I’ve actually seen people hailing Salman Khan because he was sitting like a king in jail day before yesterday!
Stupid bunch of celebrity devotees!
◦ The population is also obsessed with engineering and barely a handful want to do some research. And when DRDO fails to deliver the cutting-edge
weapons that the US can, they are at the frontline to criticize and abuse DRDO.
◦ And the thing I hate most of all. Caste-based reservation. It’s 2018, where India is among the top countries ushering in a new era in Space Age, and yet
these backward, inferior fools are stuck with such a rubbish, regressive, backward, meaningless system!
Sometimes, I think the only way to develop this country is through catastrophe. I feel angry enough to pour resources
into genetic engineering research. If I am able to create a race of super-soldiers blessed with superintelligence and
amazing powers, I’d definitely seize control of the government and repeal reservation. I’ll increase the funds we spend
on R&D which at present is a measly 0.6% of GDP. I’ll actually establish a dictatorship, you see?
China spends over 2% of GDP on R&D and is a major global hub for Artificial Intelligence development. It’s rapidly
accelerating forward and we only talk about countering China. We’re nowhere close.
Then we also have idiots who dwell in happiness just because we’re superior to Pakistan in terms of economy, Science,
Technology etc. Stupids! Are we so low on our standards that we compare ourselves with an inferior race? We must be
looking forward to achieving “advanced economy” status. Pakistan is nowhere near us in competition. Forget it already!!
Beyond nukes, Pakistan has nothing! No industrial capacity comparable to ours, no big-shot companies, no fast-growing
economy, space technology still stuck in the 1950s…… I could go on and on. Even Pakistan’s nuclear technology was
stolen from Europe, and it’s nowhere near us in terms of Thorium-based research! Pakistan is not worth comparing with.
I hate seeing majority of our population having an inferiority complex wrt celebrities, western people and culture. I want
LEADERS to emerge from this population, not slaves!!

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