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Women during

the time of Rome

What will we learn about
- What was life like for a
patrician women
- What life was like for
plebeian women
- What was life like for
Roman girls
Roles held in
Common by all
• Women were went to
remain mostly in the
• She acted under the
authority of her
• Their main role was to
have children.
• Patrician women were in
charge of their
household and would
have instructed slaves in
their duties.
• The only form of work a
patrician women would
do was spinning and
weaving (making thread
for clothes-making).
Plebeian Women
• Plebeian women also ran
their family household but
would rarely have slaves to
help with such duties.
• Plebeian women had
greater job opportunities
and worked in markets,
shops or public baths.
Roman Girls
• Only patrician girls would have
received a primary education where
they learned to read and write.
• All girls had to prepare for
marriage. They could marry from
as young as age 12.
• Girls provided a dowry (money
and/or property) to their
husband’s family. It gave them
some control in the marriage as the
dowry would have to be returned
in the case of divorce.
Ancient Cosmetics
• Roman women used chalk or arsenic
(a very poisonous chemical) to whiten
their faces.
• They use rouge that was made from
lead or carmine (a form of acid).
• Lead was also used to highlight their
• They often dyed their hair black
(using leeches and vinegar), red or
• They also wore wigs.
Effects of

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