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Application of ICT

Computer network, it's types and topology

Computer Network

• When two or more computers are combined so

that they can communicate with each other and
can share their resources is called as Computer
• A computer network is a group of interconnected
nodes or computing devices that can exchange data
and resources with each other.
• Establishment of computer network depends on
the requirements of the communication channel
i.e. the network can be wired or wireless.
Computer Network
Types of Network
Most basic type of network classification depends on
geographical coverage.
• PAN (Personal Area Network
• LAN (Local Area Network)
• MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
• WAN (Wide Area Network)

• A Personal Area Network (PAN) connects electronic

devices within a user's immediate area.
• The size of PAN ranges from a few centimetres to
few metres.
• For Example; connection between a Bluetooth,ear
piece and smartphone.
• Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network
that interconnects computer with limited area such
as residence, school,laboratory, University Campus
or office building.
• Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a computer
network that connects computer within a
Metropolitan area which could be a single large City
multiple cities and towns or any given large area
and multiple buildings.
• A MAN is larger than a Local Area Network (LAN)
but smaller than a Wide Area Network (WAN).
• A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a large computer
network that connects groups of computers over
large distances i.e; within Countries.
• A WAN is larger than LAN and MAN.
Difference between LAN, MAN and WAN


Speed (in The internet MAN provides a WAN provide the
speed provided modest internet slow internet
BPS) through LAN is connection speed. connection.
Bits per Second fast.
LAN is smallest in MAN is larger than WAN is larger than
Size size. LAN but smaller both LAN and
than WAN. MAN.
LAN is cheapest MAN costs WAN is the most
type of network. intermediate expensive type of
Cost between LAN and network.
Accuracy LAN has highest MAN is less WAN is least
(Errors per accuracy. accurate than accurate type of
Message) LAN. network.
Topology is defined as the way of connecting
computers to form a network.
(i) : LAN Topology:
LAN Topology can be further designated as;
1. Bus topology
2. Ring topology
3. Star topology
4. Tree topology
5. Mesh topology
1. Bus topology:
• In bus topology, all the computers in the network
are connected through a single line called Bus.
• Special devices named as Terminators are placed at
the end of the Bus.
• Bus size is 20-30 metre.
2. Ring topology:
In Ring topology, all the computers are connected in
such a way that the last computer is connected with
the first computer to form a Ring.
3. Star topology:
In star topology, all the computers are connected
with the central device named as Hub.

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