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Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure

Outlines of the chapter:-

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Design Plastic Moment Resistances of Cross-
2.3 Plastic Hinge Theory
2.4 Fundamental Theorems of Plastic Collapse
2.5 Methods of Plastic Analysis
2.6 Plastic Analysis for Beams
2.7 Plastic Analysis for Frames
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
2.1 Introduction; • Recognizing moment redistribution
• The design of reinforced concrete structures allows a more realistic assessment of the
typically uses elastic theory to calculate structure's capacity, improving economy
moments, shears and axial forces, but designs and allowing the designer to modify
the sections based on strength requirements design moments to reduce reinforcement
with recognition that inelastic behavior will congestion.
occur under overloading. • Tests show that plastic hinges form before
• Though this approach is safe and conservative, other sections reach their limit capacity,
it is inconsistent as it does not fully consider the allowing the structure to continue
redistribution of moments that occurs during carrying load beyond first yield.
inelastic response. • The inconsistency in the analysis-design
• When a section yields, a plastic hinge forms process, potential for using redistribution
allowing large rotations and transferring load to improve efficiency and reduce
to other sections that may have excess capacity. congestion, have motivated limit analysis
This leads to moment redistribution. methods based on plastic hinge concepts.
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• All codes for concrete, steel and steel-composite 2.2 Design Plastic Moment
structures (EBCS-2, EBCS-3, EBCS-4) allow the Resistances of Cross-Sections
plastic method of analysis for framed structures 2.2.1 Reinforced Concrete Sections
• In this chapter we will introduce the plastic method • Such plastic section capacities are
of analysis for line elements called the “plastic hinge essential in the plastic hinge theory,
theory” and for 2D elements (e.g. slabs) called “yield because they exist at plastic hinges.
line theory”(discussed in the previous chapter).
Determine using the Design Aid or
• Both are based on the upper bound theorem of the equation as per (EBCS-2: Part 2), the
theory of plasticity. Recall that the strip method is plastic moment resistance (the design
also a plastic method of analysis based on the lower moment resistance) of the RC section
bound theorem. shown in the fig.2.1, if the concrete
• Therefore, the capacity of the line elements are class and steel grade are C-25 and S-
greater or at best equal to the actual capacity of the 400 respectively.
member which is a concern for the designer,
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• Steps to follow: (In this case the rectangular
stress distribution was used)
i. Assume that the reinforcement has yielded
ii. Determine
iii. Determine
iv. Check the assumption of steel yielding
• The assumption is ok!
• Assume Reinforcement has yielded

𝑇 𝑠 =𝐶 𝑐 =0.8 𝑥 𝑓 𝑐𝑑 𝑏=218435 𝑁𝑚𝑚

Fig.2.1 Reinforced Concrete Section
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
2.2.2 Structural Steel Sections;
• As can be seen, the material can sustain
a) Material Behaviour
strains far in excess of the strain at which
• A uniaxial tensile stress on a ductile material
such as mild steel typically provides the yield occurs before failure.
following graph of stress versus strain:
• This property of the material is called its
Necking ductility.
Upper yield
Failure • Though complex models do exist to
Lower yield accurately reflect the above real behaviour
of the material, the most common, and
simplest, model is the idealised stress-strain
Fig. 2.2; Stress-strain curve for mild steel
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• This is the curve for an ideal elastic-plastic • Since so much post-yield strain is modelled,
material (which doesn’t exist), and the graph the actual material (or cross section) must
is shown in fig.2.2. As can be seen, once the also be capable of allowing such strains.
yield has been reached it is taken that an That is, it must be sufficiently ductile for the
indefinite amount of strain can occur. idealised stress-strain curve to be valid.
b) Cross Section Behaviour;
Yield point
𝝈𝒚 i. Moment-Rotation Characteristics of
General Cross Section:
Plastic zone
• We consider an arbitrary cross-section with
a vertical plane of symmetry, and plane of
loading subject to an increasing bending

Elastic zone moment, and assess the stresses at each

Fig.2-2; Idealised stress-strain curve for mild steel
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
The basic stage in plastic analysis are:-

• Stage 1 –Elastic Behavior, Stage 2 –Yield Moment , Stage 3 –Elasto-Plastic Bending, Stage 4 –
Plastic Bending, and Stage 5 –Strain Hardening.

Fig. 2.3; Cross section and Stresses at different loading stages

Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
ii. Analysis of Rectangular Cross Section
• Since we now know that a cross section can sustain more load than just the yield moment, we
are interested in how much more.
• In other words we want to find the yield moment and plastic moment, and we do so for a
rectangular section.
• Taking the stress diagrams from those of the moment-rotation curve examined previously,

section :–
ranging from
elastic, partially
plastic, to fully
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Elastic Moment; • But, the force (or the volume
• From the diagram: of the stress block) is:

 The term is thus a property of the cross section called the elastic section modulus and it is termed Z.

section :–
ranging from
elastic, partially
plastic, to fully
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Elasto-Plastic Moment; • The elastic component
• The moment in the section is made is the same as previous,
up of plastic and elastic components: but for the reduced
depth, instead of the
overall depth, d:

 The plastic component is: and The lever arm, s, is:

section :–
ranging from
elastic, partially
plastic, to fully
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• And so the total Elasto-plastic
moment is:

• The force is:

Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Plastic Moment; • And the force is: • Hence:
• From the stress diagram:

 The term is thus a property of the cross section called the plastic section modulus and it is termed S.

section :–
ranging from
elastic, partially
plastic, to fully
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• Therefore the shape factor is a good measure
iii. Shape Factor
of the efficiency of a cross section in bending.
• The ratio of plastic to elastic moment • Shape factors for some other cross sections
capacity is:

• This ration is termed the shape factor, f,

and is a property of a cross section alone.
• For a rectangular cross-section, we have:

• So a rectangular section can sustain 50%

more moment than the yield moment,
before a plastic hinge is formed.
Fig2.5; Shape factor for different cross sections
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Example 1; Shape factor for diamond section (Let S=f)

Fig.2.6; Shape factor for diamond sections

Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Example 2; Shape factor for circular

Fig2.7; Shape factor for circular sections

Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Example 3; Calculate the shape factor for I section;


Fig.2.8; Shape factor for I sections

Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Example 3 cont..; Calculate plastic section modulus;

Fig.2.9; half section for I sections

Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Significance of shape factor 2.3; Plastic Hinge Theory
• It gives an indication of reserve • It is based on the hypothesis of a localized
capacity of a section from onset of (concentrated) plastic hinge.
yielding at extreme fibers to full • The load carrying capacity of a structure is reached
plasticization. when sufficient numbers of plastic hinges have
• If My is known, Mp may be calculated. formed to turn the structure into a mechanism.
• A section with higher shape factor • Once, the plastic moment capacity is reached, the
gives longer warning before collapse. section can rotate freely – that is, it behaves like a
• A section with higher shape is more hinge, except with moment of Mp at the hinge.
ductile and gives greater deflection at • This is termed as a plastic hinge, and is the basis for
collapse. plastic analysis.
• Greater in the shape factor value, the • The load under which the mechanism forms is
greater the collapse load factor. called the ultimate load.
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• At the plastic hinge stresses remain
constant, but strains and hence rotations
can increase.

• As an example, let us consider a typical

interior span of a continuous beam
subjected to UDL (Figure 2-10)

• The ultimate state is reached when 3

plastic hinges form (2 over the supports
plus 1 in the span).
Fig.2.10; Plastic hinge location
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Pel l 2
• The ultimate load Ppl corresponding to • From structural analysis, M el 
the ultimate state is: • From
Ppl l M el Pel l 2 12Wel M el
From  2 M pl y    Pel   y 2  12 2
8 Wel 12We l l
16 M pl
 Ppl 

• Compare with the elastic strength of the

continuous beam, Pel

• Here section capacities are determined

on the basis of linear elastic stress
distribution where only the extreme
fibers have plasticized. Fig.2.10; Plastic hinge location
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Assumptions made in Plastic Theory;-
• So that
Ppl 16  M pl  16   pl M el 
16M pl l 2 i. prismatic members, the value of Mp is
 2
        pl   pl
Pel 12M el l 12  M el  12  M el  independent of magnitude of bending

• where = (16/12) = 1.3333 moment.

• Summary- in continuous beams or frames ii. The length of plastic hinge is limited
(statically indeterminate) there exist:
to a point.
a) plastic cross-section reserve
b) plastic system reserve iii. Material is very ductile and is capable
• For example a typical I-section has reserve of undergoing large rotations or
strength of 52% as shown below. curvatures at the constant moment
without breaking.
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
2.4; Fundamental Theorems of Plastic
iv. The presence of axial force and shear force
does not change the value of Mp • When degree of redundancy increases
beyond 2 or 3 in situations where collapse
v. The structure remains stable until the
mechanism is not very clear, we try to pick
formation of last plastic hinge and up collapse load with the help of three
fundamental theorems.
serviceability would not be impaired till
such time. a) Lower bound theorem or static
vi. Loads acting on structure are assumed to
b) Upper bound theorem or kinematic
increase in proportion to each other.
vii. Continuity of each joint is assumed.
c) Uniqueness theorem.
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
c) Uniqueness theorem
a) Lower Bound theorem
• “A load computed on the basis of bending moment
• “A Load computed on the basis of
distribution which satisfies both plastic moment
bending moment distribution in which
and mechanism conditions is true plastic collapse
moment nowhere exceeds Mp is either
equal to or less than the true collapse

b) Upper bound theorem

• “A load computed on the basis of an
assumed mechanism is either equal to
or greater than true collapse load”.
When several mechanisms are tried,
the true collapse load will the smallest
of them.
Fig.2-11; Collapse load
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
2.5;Plastic methods of analysis iii. Draw bending moment diagram for
• Basically there are two methods of analysis. structure due to unknown
a) Equilibrium Method. redundant.
b) Mechanism Method (Virtual work).
iv. Sketch the composite moment
A) Equilibrium or Statical Method
diagram in such a way that a
• The objective is to find an equilibrium moment
diagram in which such that a mechanism is formed. mechanism is formed (sketch

• The procedure is as follows : mechanism).

i. Select redundant(s). v. Compute value of ultimate load by
ii. Draw bending moment diagram for determinate solving equilibrium equation.
vi. Check to see that .
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
b) Mechanism Method (Virtual work). Steps in Mechanism /Kinematic Method
• As the number of redundant increases, the i. Determine location of possible plastic
number of possible failure mechanisms also hinges (under point loads,
increases. Thus it may become more difficult to connections, point of zero shear in a
construct the correct equilibrium moment beam span under distributed load).
diagram. ii. Determine the number of possible
• For such cases, the mechanism or virtual work independent and combined
method of plastic analysis may be used, and mechanism. 𝐧 = 𝐍 − 𝐫
various "upper bounds" to the correct load will be Where, N = No of possible plastic hinge
obtained for the different possible mechanisms.
r = Redundancy of the structures
• The correct mechanism will be the one which
results in the lowest possible load (upper bound r=No of unknown rxn-no of equilibrium
theorem) and for which the moment does not iii. Solve equilibrium equation (virtual
exceed the plastic moment Topics at any section of displacement method) for the lowest
the structure (lower bound theorem). load & check M
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• From FBD of element 2
2.6; Plastic method of analysis for beams

Examples-1; (a) single span-fixed end beam M B  Q23b  2M  0  Q23  2M / b

• System and loading see fig.1-10 ab

(2M / a)  F  2M / b  Fpl  2M  
 ab 
• Goal is to determine Fpl

• First we solve using the equilibrium method and

then repeat with the virtual method

(i) Equilibrium method Fig.1-11;a-single span-fixed end beam

• From FBD of element 1

M A  ( F  Q23 )a  2M  0  Q23  (2M / a)  F
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• Determine Fpl for the following cases
(ii) Principle of virtual work

• External virtual work = internal virtual work

 2 2  ab
F  M     Fpl  2M  
 a b   ab 
𝐼𝑓 𝑎=𝑏=𝑙/ 2 𝐹 𝑝𝑙= 8
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Example-2;(b) Propped cantilevers under UDL-find
• Determine the collapse load in the propped
cantilever subjected to a UDL for the whole span.
i. Using Kinematic or Virtual work method
ii. Using static or equilibrium method
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
i. Using Kinematic or Virtual work method

• Strictly speaking, there are Mite number of

mechanisms in this problem. However,

• we can locate the right one in the very


• As the loading on the beam is increased

gradually, first plastic hinge will be formed at
the fixed end whose capacity is Mp.

• With the formation of this hinge, the structure

Fig 2.13; Propped cantilever beam subjected to uniform
becomes statically determinate. load and plastic moment bending diagram
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• The second hinge will be formed at the place
where the shear is zero (and not at the place
where the elastic BM is maximum).

• To locate the position of zero shear, the

following procedure is carried out.

• With the known plastic hinge at the fixed end

[Figure 2-13 (c)], take moments of loads about

Fig 2-13; Propped cantilever beam subjected to uniform

load and plastic moment bending diagram
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• By taking the BM at section X-X from the end A,

• Thus, shear force,

• Hence, at , the shear is zero.

• This is the location of second plastic second

plastic hinge. Thus, with the formation of two
plastic hinges, mechanism is formed.
Fig 2.13; Propped cantilever beam subjected to uniform
load and plastic moment bending diagram
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• Now
On solving the quadratic equation we get
• = Intensity of loading x Area swept under the
mechanism diagram
• Position of the second hinge (from the B
end) is as follows,

• Equating external work to internal work, i.e.

We= Wi, we get
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
ii. Using static or equilibrium method
• The moment at C for simply supported beam,

Fig 2-13; Propped cantilever beam subjected to uniform

load and plastic moment bending diagram
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure

Fig 2.13; Propped cantilever beam subjected to uniform

load and plastic moment bending diagram
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Example-3;(c) Continuous beam;
• A continuous beams are indicated in which the relative plastic moment values and the
applied collapse loadings are given.
• Determine the required value of to ensure a minimum load factor ; using static or
equilibrium and Kinematic or virtual work method.


a) Kinematic or virtual work method

Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Kinematic Method: mechanism-1:-Span ABC
• Note: The bending moment diagram on span ABC is asymmetric and in this case the hinge
between A and C does not necessarily develop under the point load.
• The hinge develops at a position equal to 2.333 m from the support at A ( refer the static
method of this problem solution).
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure

Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Mechanism-2:-Span CDEF at point D:-
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Mechanism-3:-Span CDEF at point E:-
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Mechanism-4:-Span FG:-Note: Span FG is effectively a propped cantilever the bending
moment is asymmetric. The hinge between F and G develops at a Position 0.4141L from the
simply supported end.
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
b) Static method:-Span ABC
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
b) Static method:-Span ABC—cont---
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
b) Static method:-
Span CDEF at D
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
b) Static method:-
Span CDEF at E
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
b) Static method:-Span FG
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
b) Static method:-Span FG cont…
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
2.7; Plastic method of analysis for frames
• One of the important application areas of the method of plastic hinge theory, which has been
proved by experiments are frames.
• The procedure is one of trial and error as in continuous beams using the basic or combined
• The combination procedure, based on selective combination of the elementary mechanisms
leads to result more quickly.
• Three elementary(basic) mechanisms (basic modes of failure) are to be distinguished.
• They are the beam mechanism, frame mechanism, and joint mechanism as shown in fig 1-14

Fig.1-14; a) Beam mechanism b) Frame (Sway) mechanism c) Joint mechanism

Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• In the case of beams identification of the critical spans (i.e. in terms of Mp or λ) can usually be
solved quite readily by using either the static or the kinematic method and considering simple
beam mechanisms.
• In the case of frames other types of mechanisms, such as sway, joint and gable mechanisms
are also considered.
• Whilst both techniques can be used the static method often proves laborious when applied to
rigid frames, particularly for complex load conditions.
• It can be easier than the kinematic method in the case of determinate or singly redundant
• As mentioned previously the kinematic solution gives a lower bound to the true solution
whilst the static solution gives an upper bound.
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• The beam and frame mechanisms represent • k = m-n; where m = possible no of plastic
independent failure mechanisms. hinges depending on system and loading,

• Joint mechanism can occur only in and n = degree of statical indeterminacy

combination with another elementary • The no of possible combination including

failure mechanism. the basic modes (elementary mechanisms)

• It does not represent a failure mechanism is given by:

alone • q=2k-1

• Number of elementary (basic) mechanisms k • The combination method will be explained

is determined from: by means of the portal frame
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• Each of these collapse mechanisms can occur independently of each other.
• It is also possible for a critical collapse mechanism to develop which is a combination of the
independent ones such as indicated in Figure below.

• It is necessary to consider all possible combinations to identify the critical collapse mode.
• The Mp value is determined for each independent mechanism and then combined
mechanisms are evaluated to establish a maximum value of Mp (i.e. minimum λ).

It is necessary when carrying out a kinematic solution, to draw the bending moment diagram
to ensure that at no point the Mp value determined, is exceeded.
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Example 1: One bay frame
• An asymmetric uniform, frame is pinned at supports A and G and is subjected to a system of
factored loads as shown in Fig.1-15. Assume the and
 Determine the required plastic moment of resistance Mp of the section.

Figure 1-15
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Mechanism (i): Beam ABC .
Kinematic Method:
Consider each independent
mechanism separately.
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Combinations: Consider the independent mechanisms, their associated work equations and Mp
values as shown in Figure 8.16:
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Combination 1: Mechanism (v)=[(ii)+(iv)]
• When combining these mechanisms the hinge at C will be eliminated and the resulting Mp
value can be determined by adding the work equations.
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Combination 2: Mechanism (vi)=[(iii)+(v)]
• An alternative solution is also possible where the hinges at C and E are eliminated, this can be
a achieved if mechanism (v) is combined with mechanism (iii).
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Example-2;Two-bay frame
• System and loading- See fig.2-
• The frame is statically
indeterminate to the 6th
degree n=6
• The no of hinges m are 10 so
that the no of basic mechanisms
(modes) are:
• k=m-n=10-6=4 (I to IV)and the
no of possible combinations
including the basic ones are:
• q=24-1=15 (too many!)

Fig. 2-Two bay frame
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
Basic mode IV is the joint mode and is not an • (i) Combination: I+III, the plastic hinge
independent mode. Virtual work equations 4 will be eliminated (See fig. below)
for the 3 other basic modes are:
• Mechanism I: Note
• 1.5F(3.0)=(299+21172+1172) F=848kN
• Mechanism II:
• F(2.0)=(1172+21172+299) F=1908kN
• Mechanism III:
• F(4.0)=(2299+2863+ 2299)
Now the basic modes will be combined in
search of a governing mechanism
Fig. 2-Two bay frame
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• I+III: 1.5F(3.0)
72+863+299) F=722.2kN
• (ii) Combination: II+III+IV, the
plastic hinges 5 and 10 will be
• See resulting mechanism on next

• II+III+IV: F(2.0)
21172+2299) F=974.5kN
Fig. 2-Two bay frame
Plastic Method Analysis for Beams and Frames Structure
• (iii) Combination: I+II+III+IV, the The plastic limit load is thus Fpl = 722 kN
plastic hinges4, 5 and 10 will be
• See resulting mechanism on next
• 1.5F(3.0)+F(2.0)
1172+21172+2299) F=865.8kN
• Other combinations involve more
hinges resulting in higher values for
internal virtual work w/o increased
external virtual work and therefore
in higher values of Fpl  not
Fig. 2-Two bay frame

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