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look out - абайлау
hound - тазы Cry - жылау
dense - тығыз
uncertain - белгісіз
fog - тұман
horror - қорқыныш
hang - ілу dreadful - қорқынышты
moor - батпақ
shape - пішін
drift - орын ауыстыру shadows - көлеңкелер
impatiently - шыдамсыз enormous -орасан зор
ruin - қирау burn - күйдіру
success - жетістік
darkness - қараңғылық
depend on - тәуелді bound - байланған
path - жол leap down - төмен секіру
higher ground - биік жер stare - қарау
quick steps - жылдам қадамдар helplessly - дәрменсіз
break the silence - тыныштықты
chase - қуу
Exercise 2. Let's Answer the Following Questions!

1. What was Holmes watching?

2. Why was the fog moving towards them serious?
3. Where did Holmes suggest they move to?
4. Who suddenly appeared through the fog?
5. What sound did they hear coming from the white bank of
6. What did Holmes shout when they saw the dreadful shape?
7. How did Sir Henry react when he saw the creature chasing
“Task for reflection”
Fill in the gaps.

I go to the _____(1) almost every week. sometimes, i _____(2) movies from the video store.
my favorite films are action films. i like to watch car chases. i like it when the bad guy has a
shootout with the good guys. i like the good guys to _____(3). i also like _____(4) fiction movies. i
like things that take place in the future. i like movies that have aliens from different planets in
them. some of the science fiction movies can be silly and unbelievable. i don't like those ones. my
mother likes _____(5). she has a lot of favorite actors and actresses. she sometimes watches sad
movies that make her _____(6). she also like comedies. she laughs out loud if a comedy is very
funny. my father likes _____(7) movies. he likes movies with monsters in them. he also likes
thrillers. i have watched some thrillers that keep you tense and on the edge of your seat.
sometimes, i have to shut my eyes if the movie gets too _____(8). my brother likes animated films.
in animated films, there are no actors, just cartoon characters. my brother goes to the movies on
saturday afternoons with his friends. he goes to the matinee. he gets popcorn, _____(9) and pop.
he usually comes back with a stomach ache because he eats so much. sometimes, my father
watches documentaries. documentaries are about real things. you can learn a lot from watching a
_____(10). i watch documentaries with him sometimes, but i would rather see a good action film.

Home task:
Ex 10b p 55

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