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◦ Glass ionomer cement is adhesive, tooth colored, anticariogenic restorative material.
◦ 1st reported by Wilson & Kent in 1972.
◦ Glass Powder consists of glass particles
◦ Ionomer polyacids which bond ionically to the tooth structure
◦ Biomimetic material (as there mechanical properties are similar to dentine)
◦ Poly(alkenoate)cement
◦ ASPA ( alumino silicate polyacrylic acid)
◦ Man made Dentin

Conventional METAL RESIN



Classification Of conventional GIC
According to Intended Use
Type I Luting
Type II Restorative
Type III Liners and bases
Type IV Pit & fissure sealant
Type V Luting for orthodontic bands and brackets
Type VI Core build up
Type VII Fluoride Releasing
Type VIII Atraumatic restorative technique (ART)
Type IX Deciduous Teeth
Available as
◦ Powder and liquid
◦ Powder (with acid component freeze
dried) mixed with distilled water
◦ Encapsulated
◦ Twin syringe systems
Powder Liquid
Silica Glass matrix, Increases Polyacrylic acid Reactor
Alumina Basic fillers,Increases reactivity of Itaconic acid Reduce viscosity, Inhibit
liquid, Increases opacity premature polymeraization
Maleic acid
Aluminum fluoride Acts as flux
Tartaric acid Improves handling characteristics,
Calcium fluoride Acts as flux increases working time

Sodium fluoride Acts as flux Water Acts as a medium for recation.

Also, hydrates reaction products.
Aluminum Glass modifier, Improves
phosphate Properties
Zirconium oxide Increases final
Lanthanum,strontium, barium, and Imparts radiopacity
zinc oxides
Setting Reaction

◦ Acid base Reaction

◦ Studied under headings:
Initial Setting
Final Setting
◦ However, the process is continuous and
sometimes overlapping.

Powder and liquid are mixed

Calcium, Sodium, silicate, fluoride and Aluminium ions are released into aqueous
Surface of powder particles is attacked by H+ ions of acid


Metal ions migrate towards the polyacrylic acid chains

Chains get cross-linked leading to formation of calcium polyacrylate and gelation This initial set material is carvable, its strength and hardness being not high enough
during 1st 4-10 minutes. to resist sharp instruments.

Final setting

Gelation occurs during the next 24 hours when the less mobile trivalent Al ions react or crosslink with the polyacid chains
There is release of more Al3+ and SiO4 4− ions. The silicate forms the silica gel
Sodium and fluoride ions do not participate in the cross-linking of the cement. These
whereas Al ions chelate with carboxylic groups displacing even Ca ions, enhancing the
are dispersed uniformly within the set cement
final strength of the set cement.


The Ca and Al polyacrylate cross-linked chains become hydrated over time with water being present in the liquid.
The microstructure of the set cement consists of agglomeration of unreacted glass particles surrounded by silica gel embedded in an
amorphous matrix of hydrated calcium and aluminum polysalts.
Structure of set cement
Role of water
◦ GICs - water-based cements (water constitutes between 11% and 24% of the set cement)
◦ Water plays a critical role in the setting reaction of GIC. It initially serves as a reaction medium
and then slowly hydrates the cross-linked matrix, thereby increasing the strength of the mix.
◦ During the initial setting, the water is loosely bound and can be easily removed by desiccation
when exposed to ambient air.
◦ On the other hand, any contamination by water at this stage can also cause dissolution of the
matrix releasing the Ca2+ ions from the polyacrylate chains.
◦ Both loss and uptake of water result in weak and more soluble cement with reduced
translucency. Hence to prevent loss/uptake of unbound water, the cement should be protected
with a coating of varnish immediately after placing the restoration. As the setting continues, the
same water hydrates the matrix and cannot be removed by desiccation, yielding a stable gel
structure. This is called tightly bound water.
Role of fluorides
• Fluoride is incorporated into the glass in the form of fine droplets as a flux during the manufacture of
the glass powder to lower the glass fusion temperature and improve handling properties, strength, and

• Though fluoride was initially added to the powder as a flux, its antibacterial property was noted later
and considered as an advantage.

• Fluoride ions in the set glass ionomer sometimes replace the hydroxyl ions of enamel hydroxyapatite
(HA) crystals, resulting in fluorapatite crystals.

• In the presence of water, the F ions migrate out of the cement into the surrounding saliva from where
they may be taken up by the adjacent tooth structure and get accumulated in the pellicle-plaque
complex. This movement of F ions out of the cement will create an electrolytic imbalance on the
surface of the restoration.
Mehanism of Adhesion

◦ Chemical adhesion
◦ 2 theories of bonding
1. A simple theory suggests that polyacid molecules chelate with the calcium on the tooth
interface. This is supported by the formation of the interfacial calcium polyalkenoate salt.
2. The acid present in the fresh mix when contacts the tooth structure cause dissolution of the
HA crystals, resulting in release of calcium and phosphate ions. The hydrogen ions are
rapidly buffered by the phosphate ions from the HA crystals and the pH begins to rise. The
phosphate ions take with them a calcium ion; these Ca ions are then taken up by the
carboxylic groups adjacent to the tooth to form an ion-enriched layer composed of calcium-
phosphate-poly alkeonate complexes that are firmly bound to both enamel and dentin.
◦ Hence, the adhesive mechanism of GIC primarily involves chelation of carboxyl groups of the
polyacids with the calcium in the hydroxyapatite of the enamel and dentin. Because of the greater
homogeneity and inorganic content of enamel, GICs bond better to enamel than to dentin
Mixing of GIC

◦ Mixing pad and agate/plastic spatula is used

◦ The powder is divided into two equal increments.
◦ The first half of the increment should be incorporated into the liquid within 5–10 seconds without
spreading the mix over the pad.
◦ The second increment is then added and mixed with a folding motion within a small area in the next 15
seconds. This is contrary to the mixing of zinc phosphate where it is mixed over a large area to dissipate
the exothermic heat. For GICs on the other hand, mixing over a large area should be avoided to prevent
loss of water from the mix. The total mixing time should not exceed 30–40 seconds.
◦ The finished mix should have a glossy, wet appearance, which indicates the availability of abundant
carboxyl groups on the surface, which is essential for chemical adhesion to the tooth structure. Avoid
using the cement when it becomes dull or a skin forms on the surface.
◦ Biocompatibility
1. GIC is both bioactive and biocompatible. The pH of the freshly mixed cement is 0.9–1.6 (highly acidic), but
the pH rises very rapidly within the first 20 minutes. Hence it is quite tolerant by the pulp, and no
liner/base is required when adequate thickness of dentin is present. RDT 1 mm or more is efficient buffer.
2. When the RDT is less than 1 mm, a thin layer of a protective liner such as Ca(OH)2 should be given in
deeper cavities.
◦ Mechanical properties
1. Compressive strength = RESTORATIVE GIC > LUTING GIC (150mpa > 85mpa). Because of difference
in powder liquid
2. Tensile strength = Luting type (6.2mpa )Restorative type ( 6.6 mpa).
3. HARDNESS = Lower than the silicates also composites.
4. WEAR RESISTANCE = more susceptible to abrasion & wear
◦ Solubility& disintegration
Cement should be protected from saliva in mouth during 24 hours of complete setting.
The solubility of GIC (1.25 wt% for type I and 0.4 wt% for type II) is greater than that of other
cements in water. But in the acidic environment (clinical conditions), the solubility is much lower than
that of zinc phosphate and zinc polycarboxylate cements.

◦ Esthetics
Esthetically they are superior to silicates & composites
THEY have translucency & have a rough surface texture
May stain with time
Available in different shades
Luting cement is more opaque than restorative cement
Coefficient of thermal expansion
Restorations should contract or expand along with the tooth structure during a change in temperature in the
oral cavity; i.e., their coefficient of thermal expansion should match that of the enamel and dentin. GICs
have coefficient of thermal expansion very close to that of the tooth structure.

Thermal Diffusivity
Restorative materials should have diffusivity values similar to those of the tooth structure to have a
thermal, insulating effect on the pulp. Since thermal diffusivity of GIC is close to that of dentin, it protects
the pulp from thermal trauma.
1. Chemical adhesion to the tooth 1. Inferior mechanical properties
structure such as low
2. Anticariogenic potential tensile strength and fracture

3. Biocompatibility toughness
4. Tooth-colored restorative 2. Poor wear resistance
material 3. Highly moisture sensitive
5. GIC is considered to be the 4. Though it is tooth colored, it
best restorative material in has poor esthetics
children because of its
goodmarginal integrity
Metal modified GIC

In an attempt to improve the mechanical properties of GICs and use them in posterior teeth, metal filler
particles such as silver alloy were incorporated in conventional GIC. This was achieved in two ways:

◦ Miracle Mix: By adding spherical silver alloy particles in the proportion of 8 parts cement powder to 1
part alloy by volume (8:1 ratio) mixed to a suitable consistency with polyacrylic acid at a ratio of
approximately 3:2 by weight. Introduced by Simmons in 1983, this is known as silver alloy admix.

◦ Cermet: By fusing glass powder to silver alloy particles through high temperature sintering. Microfine
silver alloy particles of 40% weight and less than 3.5 mm in diameter are mixed with the glass powder
particles and then sintered together at 800°C under pressure. Unreacted silver particles are washed out.
Up to 5% of titanium dioxide was added to modify the color. The pellet that is formed is then ground into
fine particles. This is referred to as cermet. Cermet was first introduced by McLean and Gasser in 1985.

◦ There is a significant improvement in the wear resistance of metal-modified glass ionomers, which is
more for cermet.
◦ Compressive strength and fracture toughness are improved to a limited extent. Adhesion to tooth
structure is slightly reduced due to the presence of silver. Radiopacity is similar to amalgam owing to its
silver alloy content.
◦ Both the metal-modified GICs—miracle mix and cermet—release fluoride in appreciable amounts. Less
fluoride is released with cermet as compared to silver alloy admix owing to the glass particles being
coated with the metal.

◦ Core buildup materials.

◦ Use is restricted to class I cavities in primary teeth prone to caries.
Resin modified GIC

◦ The main problem faced with conventional GICs is maintaining water balance during setting.
◦ The longer setting time results in early moisture sensitivity and low early strength, making it more
susceptible to hydrolytic degradation (during the first hour of placement).
◦ This led to the development of resin-modified GICs, by the addition of resins and photoinitiators to the
conventional GICs.
◦ Though resin-modified glass ionomers is a more appropriate term, however this modification has also
been termed hybrid ionomer or resin ionomer.
Two types:
◦ Compomer
◦ Powder :
Ion-leachable fluoroaluminosilicate glass particles and photoinitiators/ chemical initiators for light
curing/chemical curing.
◦ Liquid :
Aqueous solution of polyacrylic acid copolymer that contains pendant methacrylate groups together with
approximately 10% 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (2-HEMA), which is responsible for polymerization. The
overall water content is less in order to accommodate the polymerizable ingredients.
Setting Reaction
• Two types of reactions take place:
• acid– base reaction and polymerization reaction.
• When the powder and liquid are mixed together, the initial setting
reaction is by the polymerization of the methacrylate group.
• Since it is also possible to light cure and initiate the setting reaction of
the resin immediately, this set resin provides an umbrella effect and
protects the ongoing acid–base reaction within the cement. This
reduces the early moisture sensitivity and gives high early strength to
the mix. The slower acid–base conventional reaction will complete
the setting reaction and will ultimately be responsible for the final
strength of the cement.
• The set mix thus consists of HEMA polymer and polyacid linked by
hydrogen bonding.
• The mixing time should be no more than 30 seconds.
• The working time is 2.5 minutes.
Comparison to conventional glass
Generally improved physical properties
◦ Improved shades and translucency
◦ Water sensitivity reduced
◦ Can be finished almost immediately
◦ Slightly less fluoride release
◦ Fluoride can still be recharged
◦ Slightly increase in thermal expansion
◦ Can be dual or tri – cure

◦ The term compomer is derived from a combination of composite resin and glass ionomer.
◦ This class of restorative material combines some of the chemical and mechanical properties of composite
resins and the ion-leachable glass particles of GICs as fillers. By adding the aluminosilicate glass, it was
thought that a better composite resin with fluoride-releasing property will be achieved.
◦ It is a one-component material. The typical acid–base reaction of glass ionomers does not occur due to
absence of polyacrylic acid liquid.
◦ They are another form of hydrophilic composite resins. There is no chemical adhesion, and bonding to
tooth structure is typical of composite resins.

◦ Compomer is one – paste material consisting of fillers and a matrix that is similar to that of composite
◦ Contains fuloroalumino silicate glass powder as filler to release fluoride.
◦ Contains dimethanacrylyate monomer and carboxylic groups along with ion leachable glass
◦ There is no water in the composition glass particles are partially silanted to ensure some bonding with
◦ Contains strontium or some other metal to make the material radiopaque

◦ Bonds micromechanically to the tooth structure.

◦ Higher strength than conventional GIC
◦ Higher wear resistance
◦ Less moisture sensitivity
◦ Less fluoride release

◦ Mode of setting: Polymerization Reaction


◦ Mainly used for cementation of all ceramic crowns and bridges

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