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Field report carefully document and interpret
a researcher’s observation of behaviors
usually in relation to a theory, in order to
confirm or disprove it, or to draw
conclusions or reflections from the observer .

A field report can also be a documentation of

students’ experience while in the field for
example during practicum.
Sections of Field Report

1. Introduction
2. Description
3. Interpretation and analysis or lessons
4. Conclusions and recommendations
5. Appendix
6. References

The goal of the
introduction is to orient
your reader about the
observation you did or the
work you performed
 Introduce your field report by presenting the
1. The goal of the report.

2. Summary of the relevant theory.
3. Overview of the field experience or observation
a. For observation: participants observed, the
institution and place where the observation was
conducted, the relevant dates
 b. For field experience: The nature of the business
or organization where you were placed, a
description of the industry under which the
organization is classified, the kind of work assigned
to you, the duration of your field experience

This section provide
the details of what you
have observed or
Details of your observation may include the
following :
1. Scope:

At what kind of site was your observation
When and how long was the observation

2. Subjects:
How would you describe your participants
in terms of age, gender or sex, race, and other
relevant demographic details?

3. Observation:
 What was your impression
of the participants as a whole?
What kind of behaviors were
shown (or not shown ) and by

For field experience:
1. What kind of work did you
2. What lessons did you learn
from these?

This section explains
what you have seen
from the perspective of
the theory presented.
Some questions to answer:
For observation:
1. What behaviors were widely observed? What

were the unique behaviors?
2. Why do you think did the participants
behave this way?
3. Are there any patterns?
4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the
5. What lessons did you gain from the
6. How did your observation affect your view
related to the observed phenomenon?

For Field experience:
1. What skills were you able to gain or
2. What does research say about the task
you performed?
3. How did the experience affect your
career plans?
4. Conclusion and

This section summarizes the
findings of the paper and
presents recommendations,
including problems
encountered and limitations of
the observation
5. Appendix

Include in the appendix the “extras” that you
don’t need in the body, but are related to the

Interview transcript
Observation forms used
6. References

This section presents the
complete bibliographic
information of all the
sources cited in the paper.

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