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Technological determinism

The influence of AI in the election

What will you think when we talk about election?
In the 2020 election in USA

 Politics is supposed to be about persuasion; but it has always

been stalked by propaganda. Campaigners dissemble, exaggerate
and fib.
2020-2021 US election
 The 2024 US presidential election will be the first since
generative AI has had a widespread impact on humanity.

From a slow According to a report by the New York Times on June 25, some
political campaigns are beginning to use AI-generated
infiltration to a fundraising emails and promotional images, a phenomenon that

huge torrent was only slowly permeating a few months ago, but has now
gathered into a huge torrent that is beginning to rewrite the
rules of the game for democratic elections around the world.
in 2024
 In Toronto's mayoral election on June 26, conservative candidate
Anthony Furey used AI-generated images as campaign material,
including one showing a city street lined with what appeared to be
homeless people camping out next to buildings, But a closer look at the
foreground reveals people who look more like renderings;

 Another photo shows two people who appear to be having an important

discussion, while the person on the left has three arms. Despite attacks
from his rivals, the composite images boosted Mr Fury's profile in the
101-candidate mayoral race.
What could large-language models change in 2024?

 One thing is the quantity of disinformation: if the volume of

nonsense were multiplied by 1,000 or 100,000, it might
persuade people to vote differently.
 A second concerns quality. Hyper-realistic deepfakes could
THE AI sway voters before false audio, photos and videos could be
VOTED  A third is microtargeting. With ai, voters may be inundated with
highly personalised propaganda at scale. Networks of
propaganda bots could be made harder to detect than existing
disinformation efforts are.
Technological Determinism

 “Technology marches in seven-league boots from one ruthless,

revolutionary conquest to another, tearing old factories and industries,
flinging up new processes with terrifying rapidity”. Throstein Veblen

 Technology has inherent characteristics that shape its evolution and

its impact on society;

 Technology is the agent of change;

 Technology impacts humans both individually and collectively; 17
Hard and soft determinism

Hard determinism

Hard Determinism: Technology is viewed strictly as a powerful and influential force acting to
control social activity. Society organizes itself in order to meet the needs of technology, the
result of which is beyond society's control.
Soft determinism

Soft determinists believe that while technology is an important factor in shaping the course of
human history, the manner in which humans interact with society also needs to be considered.
 In his book The Rise of the Networked Society, Manuel
Technology Custer writes, "Technology does not define society, it
concretizes it; Society doesn't decide what technology is
invented, society uses it."
 debate about the early stages of human evolution: did the
human brain come first before the creation of human culture,
including language and tool-making? It is now agreed that the
former interacts with the latter, that language and tool-making
are both causes and consequences of brain development.

What do you think of

 The same is true of technological change and social change,
the relationship between which interact first and finally lead to urban revolution and
technology and society civilization. The Neolithic cultivators turned from tribal
members into farmers by providing surplus goods to the
dominant dignitaries, not because they had at some point
agreed to do so, or were forced to do so; Rather, it is a
progressive process in which cause and effect interact and are
closely related.
 The original intention behind developing a technology is
not as important as how it is eventually adopted,
The SCOT modified or subverted by various social groups.

Thank you for listening!

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