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Presented’bv: Máhnoor.Mir ä .

Supervision " -
Types of Supervision
Educational Supervision
Clinical Supervision
Objectives of Clinical
Goals of CliniCaT Supervision
Features of Clinical Supervision
CtuaTities of Clinical Supervision
ComponentsSupervisors' Role
of Clinical Supervision
Clinical Models of Supervision
Effective Keys of Clinical Supervision
Problems of Clinical Supervision
• Haynes, Cary, and Moulton (aoo$) state that

“A primary aim o/ supervision is to create a context in which the

supervisee can acquire the experience needed to become un
independent Haynes, <Isostote tf›atsupervisfon is “art /, but
It Is on emerging formal arrangement with specific expectations,
roles, responsibilities, and skills.”

• Weston, Grim kaw & Norton, tg8g:

“Co-ordination by someone taking responsibility{br the work at others

includes planning, scheduling, allocating, instructing and monitoring
actions. The supervisor usually organizes or directs the work o/others
by direct instructions, although subordinate b
supervi e
involved as on additional layer between sup wisorond
I-Educational 5upervislor« assessment of skills, evaluation of
needs, provision of learning experiences, upgrading of
knowledge and skills.
z-namIntstratI•e Supervision: monitoring work and workload,
assuring work completion, quality and quantity control
appropriate implementation of agency policies and
Supportive uper›rIsion: providing support, understanding
and assistance, understanding emotional needs. the
supervisor provides employees with a supportive
environment where they can enjoy hlgh morale and job
“Educational supervision is theprocess at supporting teacher to
improve their teaching in order to help their ‹Indents
Improve their Jenrnlng”.
( . JONES )
lyrical i n involve being avoidable, looking over the
shoulder Q the trztinee, teaching on-the-/od wtth
developmental conversations, regular feedbact‹and the
provision ono rapid response to Issues as they a r i a
• To provide staff with a corifidenUal, safe and supportive
• To critically reflect on professional practice.
• To improve quality patient services by improving mental health
practice, by encouraging reflection on attitudes towards people
wkf› mental health problems and disorders, their family members
and careen.
• Improve self-awarenessand taMng responsiblllty for their clinical
practice by adhering to aframework for clinical supervision.
• To maintain the quality of the process of clinical
• To provide for the professional growth, and development of the
clinical supervisee.
To provide protection for the welfare of the client so they are
not harmed by the training supervisee.
• To keep a watchful eye on the supervisee*s performance to insure
the supervisee is practicing within the guidelines of the profession.
This means the clinical supervisor is the gatekeeper for the
•’ Teach, train, and empower the supervisee so they can become
competent, independent clinicians who can carry out their goals,
and be a positive influence on their clients.
• ’Non-Managerial','Consultative' or ’Professional' Supervision
The idea of ’non-managerial supervision is in interest of the organization
or agency & it looks to the development of the worker. It argues that
managers should not be concerned with educational supervision; and
consultant supervisors should only focus on education and support.
Clinical Supervision and the emergence of psychoanalysis and
Supervision, teaching and personal analysis have formed the
central elements of training since the 1gzos. If we consider
current approaches to training social workers, teachers or
informal and community educators, then we can see similar
Features of Clinical Supervision

• Oemand for Clinical Superyblon’TnCounseling

By the early 1 OS, with the'comingof age' of the profession,
there was a substantial growth "in the proportion of practitioners
with signiecant experience. afellow practltionerto act In a
consultative capacity' this linking of consuhant supervision wlth
the development of counseling is significaw a counselor
supervisor may draw heavily on the theory and practice of a
counseling model and apply thfs to supervision.
• Psycho-dynamic supervision
A psycho-dynamic supervisor would interpret the material
being presented and use an awareness of the
relationship dynamics between himself and the
counselor in supervision as a means of supervising. A
client centered supervisor would be concerned to
communicate the core conditions of acceptance, respect
and geniuses to her supervisee.
Linkage Of Supervision And Counseling
The first thing to say here is that it may well be appropnate for us as
supervisors to change the focus of the session from 'supervision' to
'counseling’. The situation may demand it - and we have what may
be described as a ‘counseling interlude’.

• Psycho-Dynamic Insight
Psycho-dynamic insights, to work with supervisees to enhance the
quality of their interactions with clients. This does not entait
moving beyond a supervisor's frame of reference.
• A clinical supervisor must be motivated. " ' ”’ ” -
•’ He must be open, honest, aware of own strengths and weaknesses.
He must be self-reflecting, able to give and receive constructive
feedback, empathies, support, and challenge and has internal
review skills.
Having advanced knowledge of a variety of clinical methods and
• Being able to reflect on one's own supervising experience.
• Identifying what works and what did not work.
• Being able to incorporate what was learned from early
supervision experiences.
Be a student of supervision, and read, study supervision methods,
and research.
• The primary role of a clinical supervisor k that of a teacher
> The second most important role is that of thementor
• Memorlng process involves relationship bulldlng.
• Beginning supervlsees in adva d inlcians need support
• Identifies weaknesses for betterment
• Supervision leaves supervisee.challengedto perform their tasks correctly
• Evaluate the work
e i n k s as an advisor and «onsuhatlon
• Flexlbtllty in nature
* Clinical supervisor fs to oversee the supervisee's work
• Clinical supervisor counsel with the superyisee
Supervision is An Intervention

›-Supervision Ts Provided By A Senior Member Of A Profession

-Supervision Is A Relationship That Extends Over Time

, The Supervisor Evaluates, Monitors, And Serves As A Gatekeeper

* Development mode)
• Social role model
• System model
• Integrative model
Development Model of Clinical S upe r v ision””- -
“” model advocates that supervisors match the structure, and style of
supervision to the clinicians level of development. As the supervisee
grows, and develops, the supervisory methods are adjusted to fit the
skill level, and confidence of supervisee

• Social Role Model

The social role model specifies that the supervisor act and perform
certain roles, tasks, and functions that take into account
behaviors, beliefs, and 18attitudes that the supervisee is expected
to follow
System Model
The system model emphasizes a learning alliance between the
supervisor, and the supervisee. This alliance is based the
relationship that is developed between the supervisor, and the

• Integrative Model
this model is a mixture of all the other models described above.
It also includes the supervisor’s own style, demeanor and
philosophy of effective supervision.
1. Support Growth
• Professional Development Plans
• Strength Based Performance Appraisal Systems

2. Unite Your Team

• Open door policy
• Regular one-on-one supervisory meetings

3• Praise Others
• Formal recognition systems
• Informal compliments - Catching them doing things right
q. Expert Excellence
Clear position descriptions
Regular feedback sessions with staff

$. Require Accountability
• Creating a culture where staff holds each other accountable
• Creating a culture where staff holds themselves accountable

6. Value What You Believe

Ensuring understanding and buy-in to a shared mission and
continuously reminding team of goals and desired outcomes
• Appropriate delegation
• Encouraging rlsk taking

8. Share ¢ontlnuously
• Actlve IistenI»g
• Being transparent

$. Optlmiae Ownership
• Parttcipatory soateglc planning
• Encouraging rtsk taklng
Effective Keys to Clinical Supervision

1O. Realign Your Efforts

• Evaluating yourself as a supervisor on a daily basis
• Asking for Input — Reflect on areas of growth that would help
There are times when the clinical supervisory process
Change in supervisee behavior.
Withdrawal, aloofness.
Decreased verbal behavior, not
forthcoming quality of
Change in interaction.
' Over-compliance with
supervisor suggestions.
Supervisee appearing
* Supervisee seeming distant or
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