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AS 3

ISPS code
(part b)

Presentation by Rosaceña

• Delivery of ships store

• Handling unaccompanied baggage

• Monitoring the security of the ships

Delivery of ships store

Stores should be checked for packing

integrity including random checks on
samples. No stores should be accepted
without inspection; check if tampered with if
accepted. Unless ordered, stores should not
be accepted.

Double-check with documentary evidence

about what has been ordered and what has
Main objectives:

1. ensure checking of ship's stores and package integrity:

2 prevent ship's stores from being accepted without


3. prevent tampering:

4. prevent ship's stores from being accepted unless

Security level

1 2 3
• Checking of ship's stores • increasing the use of • preparation for restriction,
scanning/detection or suspension, of the
• Match orders with equipment, mechanical delivery of ship's stores
documents prior to loading. devices, or dogs, and within all, or part, of the
port facility.
• restricting, or prohibiting,
entry of stores that will not
leave the port facility within
a specified period
The PFSP should establish the security
unaccompanied measures to be applied to ensure that
baggage unaccompanied baggage (i.e.. any baggage,
including personal effects, which is not with
the passenger or member of ship's
personnel at the point of inspection or
search) is identified and subjected to
appropriate screening, including searching,
before it is allowed in the port facility and,
depending on the storage arrangements,
before it is transferred between the port
facility and the ship.
Security level

1 2 3
• Baggage screened and • Full screening including • Suspension of baggage
searched which may 100% X-ray in all different handling
include X-ray screening angle of all baggage.
•Refusal to accept any
unaccompanied pieces of
Monitoring the security of the ship

The aspect of monitoring must cover lighting,

watchkeepers including security guards for
patrolling, intrusion detection devices. These
intrusion devices must be capable of setting off
an alarm.

The ship’s deck and access points should be

illuminated in darkness as well as the vicinity of
the ship depending on the extent of security
threat that is at stake. In ports prone to
contraband smuggling, an underwater hill check
must also be carried out.
The security of the ship and the port are complementary to each other. One cannot be
safe without the help of the other. The SSO and PFSO’s communication and
cooperation is essential to the compliance of the SSP and the upkeep of security

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