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Educational Research

Chapter 5
Selecting Measuring Instruments

Gay, Mills, and Airasian

Topics Discussed in this Chapter

■ Data collection
■ Measuring instruments
■ Terminology
■ Interpreting data
■ Types of instruments
■ Technical issues
■ Validity
■ Reliability
■ Selection of a test
Data Collection

■ Scientific inquiry requires the collection,

analysis, and interpretation of data
■ Data – the pieces of information that are
collected to examine the research topic
■ Issues related to the collection of this
information are the focus of this chapter
Data Collection

■ Terminology related to data

■ Constructs – abstractions that cannot be
observed directly but are helpful when
trying to explain behavior
■ Intelligence
■ Teacher effectiveness
■ Self concept

Obj. 1.1 & 1.2

Data Collection
■ Measurement scales
■ Nominal – categories
■ Gender, ethnicity, etc.
■ Ordinal – ordered categories
■ Rank in class, order , etc.
■ Interval – equal intervals
■ Test scores, attitude scores, etc.
■ Ratio – absolute zero
■ Time, height, weight, etc.
Obj. 2.1
Data Collection
■ Types of variables
■ Categorical or quantitative
■ Categorical variables reflect nominal scales and
measure the presence of different qualities
(e.g., gender, ethnicity, etc.)
■ Quantitative variables reflect ordinal, interval,
or ratio scales and measure different quantities
of a variable (e.g., test scores, self-esteem
scores, etc.)
Obj. 2.2
Data Collection
■ Types of variables
■ Independent or dependent
■ Independent variables are supposed causes
■ Dependent variables are supposed effects
■ Two instructional strategies, co-operative groups and
traditional lectures, were used during a three week social
studies class. Students’ exam scores were analyzed for
differences between the groups.
■ The independent variable is the instructional approach (of
which there are two levels)
■ The dependent variable is the students’ achievement

Obj. 2.3
Measurement Instruments
■ Important terms
■ Instrument – a tool used to collect data
■ Test – a formal, systematic procedure for
gathering information
■ Assessment – the general process of
collecting, synthesizing, and interpreting
■ Measurement – the process of quantifying
or scoring a subject’s performance
Obj. 3.1 & 3.2
Measurement Instruments
■ Important terms (continued)
■ Cognitive tests – examining subjects’
thoughts and thought processes
■ Affective tests – examining subjects’
feelings, interests, attitudes, beliefs, etc.
■ Standardized tests – tests that are
administered, scored, and interpreted in a
consistent manner
Obj. 3.1
Measurement Instruments
■ Important terms (continued)
■ Selected response item format – respondents
select answers from a set of alternatives
■ Multiple choice
■ True-false
■ Matching
■ Supply response item format – respondents
construct answers
■ Short answer
■ Completion
■ Essay
Obj. 3.3 & 11.3
Measurement Instruments
■ Important terms (continued)
■ Individual tests – tests administered on an
individual basis
■ Group tests – tests administered to a group
of subjects at the same time
■ Performance assessments – assessments
that focus on processes or products that
have been created
Obj. 3.6
Measurement Instruments
■ Interpreting data
■ Raw scores – the actual score made on a
■ Standard scores – statistical
transformations of raw scores
■ Percentiles (0.00 – 99.9)
■ Normal Curve Equivalents (0.00 – 99.99)

Obj. 3.4
Measurement Instruments
■ Interpreting data (continued)
■ Norm-referenced – scores are interpreted
relative to the scores of others taking the
■ Criterion-referenced – scores are
interpreted relative to a predetermined
level of performance

Obj. 3.5
Measurement Instruments
■ Types of instruments
■ Cognitive – measuring intellectual
processes such as thinking, memorizing,
problem solving, analyzing, or reasoning
■ Achievement – measuring what students
already know
■ Aptitude – measuring general mental
ability, usually for predicting future
Obj. 4.1 & 4.2
Measurement Instruments
■ Types of instruments (continued)
■ Affective – assessing individuals’ feelings,
values, attitudes, beliefs, etc.
■ Typical affective characteristics of interest
■ Values – deeply held beliefs about ideas, persons, or
■ Attitudes – pre-dispositions that are favorable or
unfavorable toward things
■ Interests – inclinations to seek out or participate in
particular activities, objects, ideas, etc.
■ Personality – characteristics that represent a person’s
typical behaviors
Obj. 4.1 & 4.5
Measurement Instruments
■ Types of instruments (continued)
■ Affective (continued)
■ Scales used for responding to items on affective tests
■ Likert
■ Positive or negative statements to which subjects
respond on scales such as strongly disagree, disagree,
neutral, agree, or strongly agree
■ Semantic differential
■ Bipolar adjectives (i.e., two opposite adjectives) with a
scale between each adjective
■ Dislike: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ :Like
■ Rating scales – rankings based on how a subject would
rate the trait of interest
Obj. 5.1
Measurement Instruments
■ Types of instruments (continued)
■ Affective (continued)
■ Scales used for responding to items on
affective tests (continued)
■ Thurstone – statements related to the trait of
interest to which subjects agree or disagree
■ Guttman – statements representing a uni-
dimensional trait

Obj. 5.1
Technical Issues

■ Two concerns
■ Validity
■ Reliability
Technical Issues
■ Validity – extent to which
interpretations made from a test score
are appropriate
■ Characteristics
■ The most important technical characteristic
■ Situation specific
■ Does not refer to the instrument but to the
interpretations of scores on the instrument
■ Best thought of in terms of degree

Obj. 6.1 & 7.1

Technical Issues
■ Validity (continued)
■ Factors affecting validity
■ Unclear test directions
■ Confusing and ambiguous test items
■ Vocabulary that is too difficult for test takers

Obj. 7.1, 7.5, & 7.7

Technical Issues
■ Factors affecting validity (continued)
■ Overly difficult and complex sentence
■ Inconsistent and subjective scoring
■ Untaught items
■ Failure to follow standardized
administration procedures
■ Cheating by the participants or someone
teaching to the test items
Obj. 7.7
Technical Issues

■ Reliability – the degree to which a test

consistently measures whatever it is
■ Characteristics
■ Expressed as a coefficient ranging from 0 to 1
■ A necessary but not sufficient characteristic of
a test

Obj. 6.1, 8.1, & 8.7

Selection of a Test
■ Sources (continued)
■ Professional journals
■ Test publishers and distributors
■ Issues to consider when selecting tests
■ Psychometric properties
■ Validity
■ Reliability
■ Length of test
■ Scoring and score interpretation
Obj. 10.1, 11.1, & 12.1

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