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Customs and more

• What are the people of Ecuador like?

Ecuadorians are friendly people who enjoy receiving guests in their homes and
sharing food with them. Additionally, Ecuadorians love music and dancing.
They usually dance salsa on birthdays and other events. Ecuador is a country
with a strong sense of national pride. The people are very friendly and open to
• How many cultures are there in Ecuador?
There is a record of about 18 cultures from Ecuador. Some of these are the
cultures of the Ecuadorian Sierra (Inga, Chobshi, Las Vegas, Valdivia, among
others), the cultures of the Ecuadorian Coast (Bahía, Jama-Coaque and La
Tolita), as well as the cultures of the Ecuadorian Amazon. and redwood

• The Literature
Literature is very important for Ecuadorian culture. It has been characterized by
being traditional and related to national events, which help to understand
many of the country's traditions. An example of this is Jorge Icaza and Alfredo
Pareja. Today there are outstanding essayists, poets and storytellers.

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