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Installing Oracle Grid 11gR2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Login to virtual server tom as user grid. Copy into /u01/staging. Unzip the file using "unzip" command: [grid@tom staging]$ unzip Make sure the time settings on tom and jerry are in sync: [grid@tom ~]$ date Wed Jun 9 22:17:06 PDT 2010 [grid@jerry ~]$ date Wed Jun 9 22:17:07 PDT 2010 If the time difference is more than a few seconds, the installation could fail, so you would have to adjust the time, for example: [root@tom ~]$ date +%T -s "10:13:13" [root@jerry ~]$ date +%T -s "10:13:13" Go to /u01/staging/grid directory and start the installation by issuing: ./runInstaller

Select "Install and Configure Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster".

Select "Advanced installation".

Accept "English".

Enter values for "Cluster Name", "SCAN Name", and "SCAN Port". Also, deselect "Configure GNS" checkbox.

Click "Add" button to add jerry to the Grid Infrastructure configuration.

Click "SSH Connectivity" button, enter OS password for user "grid", and then click "Setup".

Wait for Installer to establish SSH connectivity between the nodes.

After SSH connectivity between the nodes is successfully established, click "OK".

Click "Next" to proceed to the next window.

Confirm settings on the "Network Interface Usage" screen. If necessary, make appropriate changes.

Choose "Automatic Storage Management".

Enter required Disk Group information.

Select "Use same password for these accounts"; enter and confirm password of your choice.

For our purpose we can ignore "[INS-30011] The password entered does not conform to the Oracle recommended standards." warning. If the message box pops up, click Yes to proceed.

Select "Do not use Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)".

Select the OS groups as indicated.

Confirm the locations for "Oracle Base" and "Software Location".

Confirm the Inventory Directory location.

The Installer will perform prerequisite checks.

Select Ignore All checkbox on the upper right.

Verify information one the "Summary" screen and click "Finish".

Oracle Grid 11gR2 installation starts.

"Execute Configuration scripts" window will pop up after some time.

a. Execute script on tom first and wait for successful comlpetion:
[root@tom ~]$ /u01/app/oraInventory/


Execute script on jerry only after it successfully completes on tom:

[root@jerry ~]$ /u01/app/oraInventory/


Execute script on tom first and wait for successful comlpetion:
[root@tom ~]$ /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/


Execute script on jerry only after it successfully completes on tom:

[root@jerry ~]$ /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/


Click "OK" on "Execute Configuration Scripts" window.

If any of the above scripts fails, do not try to rerun. To deconfigure unsuccessful installation (as user root):


To completely uninstall (as user grid):


Happens when 32-bit client OS (Linux) is installed on 64 bit host OS on certain types of hardware Known bug 8670579 Download Patch 8670579 ( from Oracle Support site (account required) Deconfigure Grid as previously explained Install Patch 8670579 Rerun root script(s)

Click "Close" button to exit the Installer.

The Grid software installation is complete!

Creating Additional Disk Groups before Oracle 11gR2 RAC installation

Login to virtual server tom as user grid and start ASMCA. Click "Create".

Create disk group "Data".

Create disk group "FRA".

Verify information for the 2 newly created groups and click "Exit".

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