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• To view the tags, type: git tag

• To search for a tag, type: git tag -l “v1.*”
• To add a tag, type: git tag v1.0 -> now push the tag, type: git push origin v1.0
• To add a tag with description, type: git tag -a v2.0 -m “something” -> now push
the tag, type: git push origin v1.0
• To delete the tag, either delete from tags tab in github or type, git tag -d v1.0 ->
now type git push origin --delete v1.0
• To create release (notes), go to the tags tab in the github, click on create release
on the tag, enter title and the description, press publish release.
• To delete a release, go to releases tab in the github, click on the release, click on
delete release.
•git remote add origin the_ssh_you_copied: after you have created git repo locally and remotely,
connect them.
•git push -u origin master: to push the local and link it with the remote one.

•git tag: view the tags.

•git tag -l “v1.*”: search for tags.
•git tag v1.0: create the tag.
•git tag -a v2.0 -m “something”: add a tag with description.
•git push origin v1.0: push the tag to remote repo after creating the tag.
•git tag -d v1.0: delete tag from local repo.
•git push origin --delete v1.0: delete tag from local repo after deleting from local repo.

•git diff origin/main //check if there is any change between local and remote
•git merge origin/main //to merge if there is a change, from remote to local

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