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Really, another Juice?

Aloelicious is not just another juice! For starters Aloelicious is not a new health and wellness product, it has been on the market for over a decade and was designed to combine in one drink 13 different ingredients that individually could have been made into multiple products. Making Aloelicious left manufacturers baffled as to why the Creator of Aloelicious decided on making one product when he could have made multiple products. The reason for this is simply wanting to have the very best wellness product while making it affordable to the masses. Liberty Freedom Network has given Aloelicious an extreme makeover! Adding the most potent super foods discovered in recent years and taken it to a whole new level of potency!

v v

What is What does it do? it?

Who should drink it?

What is it?


What is it?
It is the perfect blend of herbs, plants, fruits, minerals and extracts, it blends the Best of the Sea with the Best of the Earth

Aloe Vera Ecklonia Cava Extract

Pau D Arco Betacarotene Cranberr y Grape Seed Extract Aca Kava i Kava Pomegranat e

Pine Bark Extract Colloidal Minerals Stevi a Echinace a

Spirulin a


Ginsen Ginkgo Biloba g White & Concord Grape

Non Cats i Claw Goj G. Sylvestre i Herb

Dietary Supplements
The statements or claims in the following slides are not about Aloelicious, they are statements about the individual ingredients listed in the labeling of Aloelicious and are intended to inform educate and promote awareness

These statements have not been evaluated

by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Aloe Vera:
Supports Immune System vEnhances Cleansing of Liver, Kidneys and Skin vEnhances Absorption of Food Nutrients vEnhances Colon Detoxification (No Laxative Effect) vReduces Inflammation vPowerful Antioxidant vAids in Healing and Tissue Repair vEnhances Digestion vAnti Bacterial, Anti Fungal and Anti Viral Properties vEnhances the Production of Collagen vBalances Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemic and Diabetes) vOxygenates at Cellular Level vRich in Nutrients and Enzymes


Ecklonia Cava Extract:

Specifically, ECE was shown to assist with: vSupporting healthy cholesterol vcardiovascular functionality. vIncreasing blood flow and circulation including to the brain. vMaintains healthy blood sugar. vPromoting mental focus including providing antioxidant protection for your brain, unlike many land-based polyphenol antioxidants. vHelping to ease every day joint aches and discomfort. vProviding an antioxidant boost that lasts for up to 24x as long as traditional plant-based antioxidants. The unique molecular structure of Ecklonia Cava is active in your system for up to 12 hours, versus the typical plant-based antioxidants which last only 30 60 minutes. vHundreds of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and amino acids. 4/28/12

Here is a partial list of thehealth benefits associated with Spirulina: Boost the Immune System vImprove Digestion vReduce fatigue vBuild Endurance vNature's Detoxifier - Cleanse the body vBoost Energy Levels vControl Appetite vMaintain Healthy Cardiovascular Function vSupport the Liver and Kidneys vReduce Inflammation vBenefit People Who Suffer from Allergies NASA found that 1 kg of Spirulina had the same nutrients found in about 1,000 kgs of "assorted vegetables"!Simply put, when you are feeding your body such a high concentration of healthy nutrients, good 4/28/12 things will happen.

According to research completed by Neil Solomon M.D., Ph.D., 78% of over 10,000 people surveyed received healthful benefits from catastrophic disease states, simply by consuming Noni on a regular daily basis.
Disease Conditions Reported Of Benefit From Taking Noni decrease of Allergy symptoms Anti-Aging, look better Arthritis symptoms lessened Breathing, improved Cancer, lessened symptoms Depression, lessened symptoms Energy Increased Heart Disease, decreased symptoms High Blood Pressure, decreased Kidney, health improved Memory improvement Mental Acuity, increased alertness Muscle, increased body building Obesity, loss excessive weight Pain, including headaches, decreased Sexuality, enhanced enjoyment Sleep, improved Smoking, stopped Stress, helped cope Stroke 4/28/12 Increased feeling of Well Being: Number of Patients Taking Noni For Specific Conditions 948 148 719 2854 889 807 8327 1123 938 2372 373 2983 816 2841 4231 1608 1231 452 4113 1019 4561 Percent Helped 84% 78% 81% 77% 65% 77% 92% 80% 85% 67% 88% 72% 71% 75% 88% 87% 73% 58% 72% 57% 80%


Greater energy/stamina Improved digestion vImproved Mental Focus vBetter sleep vIt is an all in one Multi-Vitamin Product; why take 15 or 20 capsules just to have the same vitamins found in just 2 capsules of Acai. vImproved sexual function vAcai has been shown to have up to 33 times the Antocyanine (a powerful AntiOxidant) then red wine grapes. vAcai has a high level of fibers that is good for elderly and for people who have problems with digestive organs. vAcai has two essential fatty acids known as Omega 6 (Linoleic acid) and Omega 9 (Oleic acid). Research shows that these fatty acids maintain normal cholesterol levels. vResearch has shown that these Anti-Oxidants help regulate normal cholesterol levels. vAcai's Anti-Oxidant factors play a large role in maintenance of vascular cardiac system, which is important for better blood circulation. vAcai is considered one of the richest nutritive fruits from the Amazon or the world for that fact. vAn almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, vital to proper muscle contractions and regeneration. vCleansing and Detoxing your body vBoost your Immune System
v v


Benefits of Goji Berries : Enhances Memory Lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides Improve Vision Protects and strengthens immune system Alleviate Stress Facilitate Weight Loss Maintaining blood glucose levels for Type 2 diabetes patients Improve Skin Health Helps focus on work and study Stimulates Human Growth Hormone Enhance Sexual Function Nourish Liver and Kidneys 4/28/12

Emulsifies Fat. This is for all of you that have some excess fat to lose. According to Nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S., Cranberry juice contains high levels of organic acids, which have an emulsifying effect upon fat deposits. Urinary infections When it comes to urinary tract infections caused by a strain of E coli bacteria, cranberry juice compounds may help. Some of the compounds in the juice block the bacteria from sticking to the cells in the body, so that the body can more easily flush the bacteria out Respiratory Infections Study results in 2002 suggest that cranberry juice may inhibit a type of bacteria that is a common cause of ear and respiratory infections in children. This is according to researchers at the annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.


Cats Claw:

May help reduce pain and inflammation of rheumatism, arthritis and other types of inflammatory problems. vMay have anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties that inhibits cancerous cell formation. vPromotes the healing of wounds. vBe useful for treatment of gastric ulcers and intestinal complaints vHelps to relieve chronic pain. vEnhance immunity by stimulating the immune system. vHelp people experiencing stomach and bowel disorders, including colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky bowel syndrome, gastritis and duodenal ulcers, intestinal inflammation. vhelp fight both viral and fungal infections such as Herpes and Candida 4/28/12

Fights Breast Cancer Studies in Israel show that pomegranate juice destroys breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. It may also prevent breast cancer cells from forming. vLung Cancer Prevention Studies in mice show that pomegranate juice may inhibit the development of lung cancer. vSlows Prostate Cancer It slowed the growth of prostate cancer in mice vProtects the Neonatal Brain Studies show that maternal consumption of pomegranate juice may protect the neonatal brain from damage after injury. vPrevention of Osteoarthritis Several studies indicate that pomegranate juice may prevent cartilage deterioration. vProtects the Arteries It prevents plaque from building up in the arteries and may reverse previous plaque buildup. vAlzheimer's Disease Prevention It may prevent and slow Alzheimer's disease. vLowers Cholesterol It lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises HDL (good cholesterol). vLowers Blood Pressure vDental Protection 4/28/12 Research suggests that drinking pomegranate juice may be a natural way to prevent

Ginkgo Biloba:
Memory enhancement in elderly people Improving mental functioning in young- to middleage people Dementia(includingAlzheimers disease) Diabetic retinopathy(an eye condition caused bydiabetes) Glaucoma Intermittent claudication (leg pain caused by blood vessel problems) Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Raynaud's syndrome (a condition related to poor circulation, especially of the hands and feet) Vertigo (a spinning sensation)


Pau D Arco:
Immune System Practitioners of natural medicine prescribe pau d'arco for a wide variety of illnesses because they believe the supplement'santioxidantproperties fight disease and the chemicals stimulate immune system defense cells. Antibacterial/Antiviral Analysis of the chemicals in pau d'arco have shown that the bark contains chemicals called naphthoquinones, which may kill bacteria, viruses, fungus and yeast--granting the supplement beneficial antimicrobial properties. Cancer Although frequently recommended for its potential anticancer properties, pau d'arco is not approved for cancer treatment, and the American CancerSocietystates that further research is needed on the supplement. Pain and Inflammation Researchers at the Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University and Dong-Eui University have begun to investigate the possibility that substances in pau d'arco may have potential anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.


White Grape & Concord Grape:

Anti-aging vAnti-bacterial/viral vAnti-inflammatory vAntioxidant vArterial flexibility vBrain, skin, eye health vCardiovascular health vGastric health vInhibiting prostrate cancer vSupports Flexibility in Arteries vSupports Normal Blood Pressure vEasier to Digest vContains Polyphenol Antioxidants vSupports Collagen and 4/28/12 Elastin Levels in your skin

Concord Grape

White Grape

Grape Seed Extract:

Prevents formation of plaque in arteries. vImproves mental alertness and may help to prevent senility. vPrevents tooth decay vHelps to prevent osteoporosis vMay interfere with cancer cell growth and proliferation vMay inhibit virus expression and replication in individuals with HIV vAids in poor circulation vAddresses complications due to diabetes vRelieves constipation vIt is water and oil soluble, delivering antioxidant protection by penetrating cell membranes throughout the body.


What are the Benefits of Echinacea? Studies have shown that the active substances in Echinacea helps your body circulate infection-fighting antibodies, which helps to treat Colds and flus Skin infections such as acne and boils Urinary tract infections Sinusitis Ear infections Treat Wounds and Skin Infections with EchinaceaEchinacea has been found to be effective at treating slow-healing wounds and skin infections such 4/28/12 asboils.

Hypoglycemia Scientific research has indicated that stevia regulates blood sugar levels, bringing them into normal balance. Weight Management Stevia has no carbohydrates (carbs) and contains no calories, making it an ideal sweetener forweight loss or weight management. Stevia also helps users consume less calories by reducing overall hunger and cravings for sweet and fatty foods. Cardiovascular Studies have shown that stevia acts as a cardiovascular tonic, helping to lowerblood pressurein people with high blood pressure. Bacteria Stevia inhibits the reproduction and growth of many pathogenic (harmful) bacteria and infectious organisms such as those that are responsible for the common cold,influenza (flu) and periodontal (tooth & gum) diseases


What are the Benefits of Ginseng? Ginseng has been used to treat a variety of health problems, such as Reducing mental stress and anxiety Increasing mental clarity and alertness Stimulating the immune and nervous system Treating diabetes May Prevent the growth of certain types of cancer cells Lowering cholesterol levels Improving digestion Reducing fatigue Improving athletic endurance Some clinical studies have also shown that, in males, Ginseng may facilitate penile erection, and increase testosterone levels and sperm production 4/28/12

Kava Kava:
What does kava do?
Relaxes muscles Calms nerves Creates a general feeling of wellbeing Induces a feeling of peace, relaxation and contentment Enhances mental alertness and concentration Has historical use as an herbal aphrodisiac Reduces inhibitions and makes people more sociable

Harvard Medical School released research that indicates that beta carotene can sharply reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men with low beta carotene blood levels. In this research, the diets, lifestyles, and health of more than 22,000 male doctors were observed. Half of the doctors were given 50 mg (80,000 IU) of beta carotene every other day. The findings indicated that physicians with low levels of beta carotene were one-third more likely to develop prostate cancer. The doctors who supplemented with beta carotene were 36 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who ate few beta carotene-rich fruits and vegetables and did not take beta carotene supplements. The link between cancer and beta carotene is also mentioned in more recent research. An article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition studies reveal that people with high intakes of beta carotene or high blood concentrations of this nutrient have a reduced risk of various diseases, including cancer and heart disease. The authors note that this is a credible hypothesis, because 1) Increased consumption of beta carotene is strongly associated with reduced risk of cancer; 2) Beta Carotene is a dietary antioxidant and antioxidants inhibit early stages of carcinogenesis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is another problem linked to aging, and it occurs when the immune system turns on itself. This results in inflammation, which in turn triggers the release of chemicals into the joint lining. This in turn results in joint damage that makes it hard to manipulate areas such as the knuckles and knees. 4/28/12

( Gymnema Sylvestre Herb)


The leaves ofGymnema Sylvestreare extremely beneficial in regulating diabetes so much so that in due course the patients can stop using conventional chemical drugs that are given under medication. It has been acknowledged by various research studies that the leaves of this unique plant can increase insulin secretion, which assists the body to control the blood sugar level. In experimental and clinical trials, Gymnema Sylvestre has been successful in controlling the blood sugar level without reducing it to below the normal blood sugar levels, an effect sometimes seen with the use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic sulphonylurea compounds. The roots and leaves have the supposed potential to reduce the body weight & to help gain a healthier diet. This is because the herb has the property to induce an aversion to the desire for consuming sweets. This brings down the sugar 4/28/12 intake habits thereby reducing the body weight. This plant is

To order Aloelicious contact a Liberty Freedom Network Representative


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